Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 – Law and Order!

Baroness Rendell of Babergh is the Queen of Crime

Ruth Barbara Rendell, Baroness Rendell of Babergh, CBE (née Grasemann; Born: 17 February 1930, Died: 2 May 2015) was an English author of thrillers and psychological murder mysteries. Known as the “Queen of Crime” British mystery/suspense author Ruth Rendell has been publishing novels since 1964. She has produced about one to two books per year and sold at least 20 million copies of more than 60 novels translated into 25 languages worldwide. Rendell began her writing career with the Inspector Wexford series, but evolved over time to embrace psychological thrillers and suspense novels with a social and political conscience. Fellow acclaimed mystery author P.D. James told Michael Neill of People, “No one has explored with greater sensitivity and compassion those dark recesses of the human psyche. She is one of the remarkable novelists of her generation.”

“I started by writing short stories, but they weren’t very good; I tried them on various magazines, and none of them was published. People were nicer then about turning you down, and so I didn’t lose heart – I kept on writing and wrote a lot of books, one or two of which I finished, and others I didn’t.” Ruth Rendell

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Ruth Rendell was deservedly the most decorated of British crime writers. Among her many distinctions were a clutch of Daggers (four gold, one silver and the diamond for a lifetime of achievement) and two Edgars from the Mystery Writers of America who also gave her their Grandmaster Award. She was also garlanded with the Sunday Times Award for Literary Excellence. None of that happened by accident or luck. Talent played its part but so too did hard graft. A book flowed from her prolific pen approximately every nine months. Her Stakhanovite work rate as a writer and as a working peer made most of us feel like dilettantes. A number of her works have been adapted for film or television. She was also a patron of the charity Kids for Kids which helps children in rural areas of Darfur. This numerology case study reveals how intertwined karmic 13 and Ruth Rendell are. Did you know that as far as the four numerology debt numbers (13, 14, 16 and 19) go, 13 resonates most with hard work, focus, discipline, law and order?

“I don’t make any notes, but I do know where to find things. Suppose I need to know where Wexford first talked about his love of the countryside or where he quotes Larkin or what was the beginning of his hatred of racism or where he first encountered domestic violence; I would be able to find it straight away.” Ruth Rendell

Evidence proving the Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13  link…

In the numerology charts and tables that follow, we will provide ample evidence proving the powerful connection between Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 . Did you know that Taylor Swift’s numerology is also crammed full of karmic 13s? Numerology karmic debt 13//4 is creative, imaginative, self-expression (the No3 of 13) expressing itself through the individual (the No1 of 13) in an organised, focused, practical, structured, workmanlike way (numerology number 4, the No4 in the 13//4 sequence).

Numerology Birth Chart: Ruth Barbara Grasemann

Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13, numerology Ruth Rendell, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, author numerology, human futurology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code

In the above birth chart, Karmic 13 presents (importantly so!) as her Shadow Life Path Number (13//4; TSS-LFP) and her World or Career Number (Birth YYYY, 1930 = 1+9+3+0 = 13; sequence 1930//13//4). Her Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR: sequence 1947//21//3, top right of chart) synchs the numerology number 3 which as explained earlier resonates with creativity, communication, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression. This number has a natural project management type nature about it and loves to get things done according to a structured timeline which must be met. Her No5 life path (sequence 1949//23//5) talks to a journey which has as its central tenet, The Human Experience (as lived through the 5 senses: see, smell, taste, touch, hear) with the need for travel, adventure, adrenaline, excitement and to challenge the status quo.

Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 – it is all about Planning!

Amoure Kleu Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 Birth Chart

Her Pythagorean Birth Chart beautifully sums up what you need to know and remember about Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13  – it is all about order, structure, planning and doing the work! She has The Arrow of The Planner, running at Level 4 intensity! Planning, organising, and getting the job done would therefore have come naturally to her. Her Arrow of Frustration talks to a lifelong emotional journey which would have delivered lesson after lesson around needing to respect and not judge another person’s choices / decisions and to leave them be to walk their own journey. This arrow goes hand in hand with unfulfilled emotional (especially at relationship level) expectations.

“In judging other people’s work, particularly short stories, I have noticed how novice writers tell the readers everything about their characters in the first paragraphs, disclose their motives, reveal their recent activities and their future intentions.” Ruth Rendell

Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 – it is in her name too!

Amoure Kleu Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 Birth Chart

The No6 is completely missing from her Birth Chart. It is also the only number missing from her full birth name, Ruth (Master Number 22 – Master Builder) Barbara (25//7) Grasemann (38//11//2; Master Number 11 – Master Intuitive). Interestingly, it is also missing from her married name (Rendell 34//7). This makes numerology number 6 (family, relationships, responsibility, caring for the community, matters of the heart, loyalty etc.) her karmic lesson, however, given that it is absent from her DOB, full birth name and married name, shifts it to being an Extreme Karmic Lesson. With regards to Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 , thirteen features as her:

  1. Birth Name Primary Soul Urge Number (13//4)
  2. Author Name (Ruth Rendell) Soul Urge Number (13//4)
  3. Birth Name Primary Expression Number (85//13//4)
  4. Spiritual Initiation (2047//13//4)

Her numerology birth chart carried 2 x 13s. Her numerology name charts reveal 4 x 13s. She therefore has 6 x karmic 13s coded into her 365 Pin Code Numerology and when a karmic debt number features this prominently in a person’s Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint, it means just one thing life path outcome wise, make or break, boom or bust. Her author name (Ruth Rendell) carries the Expression Number 56//11//2 which has Master Number 11 in it, MN-11 being the visionary one who goes about illuminating the darkness to reveal what must be healed, addressed, fixed.

“Some women say as they get older they’re no longer noticed: they disappear. Men, for instance, don’t see them. Nobody wants them. That doesn’t happen to me because of who I am. Not because I’m any more scintillating company, but because I’m Ruth Rendell.” Ruth Rendell

Amoure Kleu Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 Birth Chart

From Doon with Death

From Doon with Death was the debut novel of British writer Ruth Rendell, first published in 1964. The story was later made into a movie in 1988. The novel introduced her popular recurring character Inspector Wexford, who went on to feature in 24 of her novels. In From Doon with Death, Ruth Rendell instantly mastered the form that would become synonymous with her name. Chilling, richly characterized, and ingeniously constructed, this is psychological suspense at its very finest.

There is nothing extraordinary about Margaret Parsons, a timid housewife in the quiet town of Kingsmarkham, a woman devoted to her garden, her kitchen, her husband. Except that Margaret Parsons is dead, brutally strangled, her body abandoned in the nearby woods. Who would kill someone with nothing to hide? Inspector Wexford, the formidable chief of police, feels baffled — until he discovers Margaret’s dark secret: a trove of rare books, each volume breathlessly inscribed by a passionate lover identified only as Doon. As Wexford delves deeper into both Mrs. Parsons’ past and the wary community circling round her memory like wolves, the case builds with relentless momentum to a surprise finale as clever as it is blindsiding.

From a numerology author case study research perspective, what makes the 1964 release of this book so phenomenally important, is that this year has her Second Pinnacle Experience Number sequence (1947//21//3 – see data highlighted below in yellow) synchronising perfectly with her Professional Attainment Number sequence (1947//21//3 – see TKSPR in her Birth Chart). Such pinnacle/attainment synchronicities carry within them huge potentiality, which is only converted into a superb result where the given individual has diligently applied himself/herself.

Life Path Pinnacles and Challenges: Ruth Rendell, born 17th February 1930

Amoure Kleu Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 Birth Chart

It is also interesting to note that her 4th and Final Pinnacle Experience synchs with sequence 1932//15//6 which brings her extreme karmic lesson No6 (responsibility, community, matters of the heart etc.) into frame from 1980 through to her death in 2015.

Amoure Kleu Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 Birth Chart

Her Five Key Works have been identified as:

  • From Doon with Death (1964 was a No20//2 universal year; expression number synchronicity)
  • A Judgement in Stone (1977 was a No24//6 universal year; karmic lesson and shadow professional attainment number synchronicity)
  • A Dark-Adapted Eye (Barbara Vine; 1986 was a No24//4 universal year; karmic lesson and shadow professional attainment number synchronicity)
  • Adam and Eve and Pinch Me (2001 was a No3 universal year; professional attainment number synchronicity)
  • Not in the Flesh (2009 was a No9 universal year; hidden passion No9 synchronicity)

Source: The Guardian, May 2nd 2015…

Life Path Model: Key Number Sequence defining Ruth Rendell’s 5 Key Works

Amoure Kleu Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 Birth Chart

If you desire to understand much more about the unique Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13  data sequences listed above and how these influence all our lives, and if you are open enough to entertain the notion that your life is not happening randomly, but rather according to a Grand Organised Design which is powerfully expressing itself with and through your Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint, then here are many detailed applied numerology case studies which use coding sequences to prove to you that nothing about your life and your lifepath’s events is linked with mere happenstance.

Want to know more?

Reach out to Chris and Suzanne Styles

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    Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13, numerology Ruth Rendell, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, author numerology, human futurology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code

    Image by prettysleepy1 from Pixabay

    Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13, numerology Ruth Rendell, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, author numerology, human futurology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code

    Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

    Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13, numerology Ruth Rendell, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, author numerology, human futurology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code

    Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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