Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis
The Queen’s Gambit drama miniseries by Netflix has taken the World by Storm!
This 15//6 driven shadow attainment research unpacks the author numerology of the Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis published in 1983, and proves beyond all doubt that absolutely everything about this book represented both a personal and professional emotional pinnacle experience for Tevis. The Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis is an American coming-of-age period drama miniseries based on his 1983 novel of the same name, created for Netflix by Scott Frank and Allan Scott and written and directed by the former.
Fabulous Quotes from The Queen’s Gambit
“Creativity and psychosis often go hand in hand. Or, for that matter, genius and madness.”
“I’ve flirted with alcohol my entire life. If anything, I think it is about time I consummated the relationship.”
“There is one player that scares me. The Russian. Borgov.”
“I thought he could see what I was planning. I thought he could hear my heart beating and know how panicked I was. He still had time to get out of it. But he took the piece just as I planned. I went into that game with a perfect score.”
“I wanted to win. I wanted to hammer his weaknesses. I wanted to show that f*&^ing pirate that I could beat him, even though I didn’t play the way he thought I should.”
Beginning mid-1950s and proceeding into the 1960s, the story is about an orphaned chess prodigy on her rise to becoming the world’s greatest chess player while struggling with emotional problems and drug and alcohol dependency. The Queen’s Gambit was released on October 23, 2020. After four weeks of viewing it has become Netflix’s most-watched scripted limited miniseries. It has received critical acclaim for Anya Taylor-Joy’s performance as Beth Harmon as well as for the cinematography and production values. It has also received a positive response from the chess community and is credited with spurring a resurgence of public interest in the game. As we now begin to explain the numerology of Walter Tevis, please keep the numerology number sequence 15//6 in the forefront of your mind.
Numerology Birth Chart of Walter Tevis born 28th February 1928
Bearing in mind that we asked you to keep numerology sequence 15//6 in mind, when you study the above numerology birth chart, you will see 15//6 presenting in the bottom left corner (TSSPE; 15//6) as Walter Tevis’ Shadow Personal Attainment Number and also in the bottom right corner (TSSPR; 15//6) as his Shadow Professional Attainment Number. Shadow numerology as developed, quantified and qualified by 365 Pin Code case study R&D reveals that part of us which lies beneath, that is invisible and is powered by emotions. Our shadow numbers which are calculated from our DOB, therefore define our emotional self in a multidimensional matrix. Above his two 15//6s shadows attainments, lie a pair of 3’s (top left, top right); these are his physical personal (TKSPE; 30//3) and physical professional (TKSPR; 21//3) attainment numbers. In numerology the number 3 is primarily associated with communication, creativity, self-expression, imagination, inspiration, motivation and having fun. With these 2xNo3 attainments no wonder Walter Tevis developed into an author. It is important to note that 1983, the year The Queen’s Gambit was published, was a number 3 universal year (1983 = 1+9+8+3 = 21 = 2+1 = 3; 1983//21//3) which introduces a double attainment synchronicity for Tevis!
Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis: About Walter “Walt” Stone Tevis
Walter “Walt” Stone Tevis (February 28, 1928 – August 9, 1984) was an American novelist and short story writer. Three of his six novels were adapted into major films: The Hustler, The Color of Money and The Man Who Fell to Earth. A fourth, The Queen’s Gambit, was adapted into a mini-series with the same title and shown on Netflix in 2020. His books have been translated into at least 18 languages. Tevis was born in San Francisco in 1928 and learned to play chess at the age of 7. When he was 9 he was diagnosed with rheumatic heart and Sydenham’s chorea and was placed in a convalescent home for a year. While he was committed there, his parents abandoned him and moved to Lexington, Kentucky, where they were originally from. Beth Harmon’s fictional life mirrors Tevis’s own. She grows up in an orphanage, where at the age of 8 she learns the game of chess from a janitor. She becomes addicted to tranquilizers given to her and the other children in order to keep them calm and subdued. The young Tevis was drugged in the convalescent home three times daily with phenobarbital. “I loved it,” he said of the drug. “That may be one reason I became a drunk.” Today [as in 2020], 34 years after Walter Tevis died, his fiction feels as true as ever. So much so that the success of the Netflix show has sent many to their computers to look up whether The Queen’s Gambit and Elizabeth Harmon are based on a true story. Some are perhaps disappointed to learn it is a work of fiction. But it isn’t that simple. In so many ways, Beth Harmon is the real thing.
“From her stern poker face all the way to her brown shoes with brown laces, Beth’s character isn’t the typical female heroine. While her high school classmates are hiding between library shelves kissing boys, Beth is scouring the same shelves for chess books. While the girls at social club sing along to every word of the song on TV, Beth doesn’t know it well enough to join in. Despite the many ways she might be described—orphan, prodigy, chess player, ‘60s teen—Beth doesn’t really fit the image you might have in your head for any of them perfectly. The Queen’s Gambit shatters tired cliches and gender stereotypes in favor of a complex and untraditional lead, but that’s exactly what makes it so memorable. By fighting the urge to fit a certain label, you can give yourself the same chance.
Expressing the Life Path of Walter Tevis born 28th Feb 1928 in 4D Numerology Notation
Above is a numerology data table, unique to 365 Pin Code Numerology R&D, that reveals unique lines of annual experiential coding driven by an Annual Experience Number [AEN]. This table belongs to author Walter Tevis. It is constructed using a complex predictive numerology model (welcome to the world of Human Futurist Numerology) which uses many critically important numbers sourced directly from Tevis’s Date of Birth [DOB], Full Birth Name [FBN] and Other Data Sources [ODS]. The model delivers lines of code (what we call Annual Experience Numbers; AENs) which as per our exhaustive numerology research have been proven to be bulls-eye accurate (e.g. modelling a life path this way, proved exactly why Apple Co-Founder and CEO, Steve Jobs, pancreatic cancer surfaced in 2004!).
Focus on the 1983 line of code above!
If you focus your attention on 1983, the year The Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis was published, you will see something quite astonishing! His AEN for 1983 is 15//6. When referring back to his birth chart numbers, you will surely recall that 15//6 presented as his shadow personal and professional attainment number sequence. Therefore, according to his life path numerology notation, 1983 would always be ‘the year’ that would deliver Tevis a concentrated (as in the AEN presents for one year only!) emotional experience linked to a sense of personal and professional attainment.
THE QUEENS GAMBIT – here is a COSMIC synchronicity that will BLOW your mind!
THE = 2+8+5 = 14; QUEENS = 8+3+5+5+5+1 = 27; GAMBIT = 7+1+4+2+9+2=25… 14+27+25 = 67; 6+7 = 13; 1+3 = 4; The Queens Gambit expressed in numerology notation is 67//13//4. The data table below reveals the 4 Pinnacle and Challenge Experiences that Walter Tevis had coded into his life path. The Queen’s Gambit was published in 1983, and in that specific year he was in his 4th and Final Pinnacle which was driven by numerology sequence 13//4 and his 4th and Final Challenge which was driven by 0//0.
Table of Pinnacles and Challenges for Walter Tevis born 28th February 1928
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Image by Karen Nadine from Pixabay

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay