Analysing the Kay Scarpetta Series by Patricia Cornwell

17//8, 21//3 & 18//9 powered Postmortem, the 1st novel of the Kay Scarpetta Series

This applied numerology research case study investigates the Kay Scarpetta Series of novels by Patricia Cornwell that launched in 1990 with Postmortem. Since 2018 we have been conducting and publishing in-depth research into what numbers and number sequences were driving the years that were responsible for international bestselling authors having their major breakthroughs. Every case study done has clearly revealed that these critically important moments of success for these authors was no random accident, that in fact these opportunity rich moments were in fact hardcoded into their lifepath’s intelligent mathematical blueprint (IMB). What is critically important for you, the reader, to understand, is that the given authors had to diligently apply themselves in such a way that their persistent, disciplined, planned, and focused efforts created sufficient momentum for massive success to happen in the year(s) that were coded to deliver something spectacular to them. So, what is the critical take-out from this? Enter, The Law of Karma (“karma” means result) – as you sow, so shall you reap, or stated differently, no work no reward!

“Murder is about power and the more powerful women get the more it will change the good that they do and the bad that they do.” Patricia Cornwell

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About international bestselling author Patricia Cornwall…

In 1990, Patricia Cornwell sold her first novel, Postmortem, while working at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond, Virginia. An auspicious debut, it went on to win the Edgar, Creasey, Anthony, and Macavity Awards as well as the French Prix du Roman d’Aventure prize–the first book ever to claim all these distinctions in a single year. Growing into an international phenomenon, the Kay Scarpetta series won Cornwell the Sherlock Award for best detective created by an American author, the Gold Dagger Award, the RBA Thriller Award, and the Medal of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters for her contributions to literary and artistic development. Today, Cornwell’s novels and iconic characters are known around the world. Beyond the Kay Scarpetta series, Cornwell has written the definitive nonfiction account of Jack the Ripper’s identity, cookbooks, a children’s book, a biography of Ruth Graham, and two other fictional series based on the characters Win Garano and Andy Brazil. While writing Quantum, Cornwell spent two years researching space, technology, and robotics at Captain Calli Chase’s home base, NASA’s Langley Research Centre, and studied cutting-edge law enforcement and security techniques with the Secret Service, the US Air Force, NASA Protective Services, Scotland Yard, and Interpol.

“You artists think you’re the only ones who can relate to these things. Many of us have the same feelings, the same emptiness, the same loneliness. But we don’t have the tools to verbalize them. So we carry on, we struggle. Feelings are feelings. I think people’s feelings are pretty much the same all over the world.” Patricia Cornwell, Postmortem

Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

Numerology reveals more about your life’s key events than you can ever begin to imagine!

The opening line of this article on the Kay Scarpetta series made mention of applied numerology. Applied numerology is light years ahead of standard numerology because it takes your core numbers and leverages them, mathematically, in such a way that your life path (birth to death, whenever that might be) is expressed numerically in such a way that significant, past, present, and future events stand-out clear as a bell. Once you understand this, you will realise that your life is beyond doubt an intelligent experiential matrix of numbers, swirling together in many complex and different cocktails, to provide you with events, circumstances and results that gift you a unique personal (and professional) learning opportunity. Think your life is a series of random events, that it is driven by happenstance? Think again – you are living in the Dark Ages… Understanding your numbers, or to be more specific, your 365 Pin Code, allows you to take the understanding and awareness you have around your life through a quantum leap in consciousness and once you have achieved this, you will never ever look at your life is the way you did before. The upshot of this is that you now look at everything through a brand-new set of enlightened lenses, ones which afford next level growth in terms of personal and professional strategic thinking and planning.

“The public is blaming the city officials, who in turn have to find someone else to blame. It’s the nature of the beast. If the police, the politicians, can pass the buck on down the line, they will.” Patricia Cornwell, Postmortem

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The Applied Numerology of Patricia Cornwell

Birth Chart of Patricia Cornwall, born 9th of June 1956…

Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

Shortly, using the data generated through our numerology life path model for Patricia Cornwell, we will reveal to you that 17//8, 21//3 & 18//9 were the critically important number sequences in 1990 that powered Postmortem, the 1st novel of the Kay Scarpetta Series.

Patricia Cornwell has numerology sequence 18//9 as her life path numbers…

Patricia Cornwell has a No18//9 life path. How do we know this? Life Path No = Birth DD + Birth MM + Birth YYYY = 9+6+1956 = 1971 = 1+9+7+1 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 1971//18//9 (see TKS-LFP above). Her Shadow Life Path No is also 18//9 (see TSS-LFP above). Your life path numbers (as in physical and shadow / emotional) are two of the most important numbers in your 365 Pin Code blueprint.

Patricia Cornwell has numerology sequence 21//3 as her World or Career number…

Born 1956. 1956 = 1+9+5+6 = 21 = 2+1 = 3; 1956//21//3. Backing number 21 is numerology number 1 (masculine energy, leadership, original creator, bravery, the ego, sense of self, ME etc.) expressing itself through numerology number 2 (feminine energy, cooperation, collaboration, equilibrium, teamwork, YOU and ME) such that they deliver against the desires of numerology number 3 (creativity, self-expression, motivation, inspiration, communication, having fun etc.).

Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

Patricia Cornwell has numerology sequence 21//3 as her Professional Attainment number…

In the above chart, see TKSPR, top right corner. Professional Attainment number = Birth DD + Birth YYYY = 9+1956 = 1965 = 1+9+6+5 = 21 = 2+1 = 3; 1965//21//3. Yet again, numerology number sequence 21//3 presents, doubling up if you will, her professional desire for creative, inspired, communication. Think of an attainment number in numerology as being a number that you are continually drawn towards, that pulls you in a certain direction, that represents a zenith or peak experience when eventually attained.

The importance of sequence 18//9 and 21//3 are now partly accounted for in her numerology birth chart, but what about sequence 17//8, or in its essence form, numerology number 8? Given that we did not discover any 8’s in her birth chart, we must now shift our analytical focus from her date of birth numerology to her full married name numerology…

“And in an odd way, realizing all this has given me an unexpected satisfaction and a little more self-respect. I have changed, and it’s for the better. You really can’t love unconditionally. People can burn and beat love out of you. They really can kill it, and it’s not your fault you don’t feel it anymore, and how liberating it is to finally realize that. Love isn’t for better or for worse, through thick or thin. It damn well shouldn’t be.” Patricia Cornwell, Red Mist

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Full Married Name analysis: Patricia Carroll Cornwall…

Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

Patricia Cornwell has the numbers 4 (work, focus, discipline, planning, law and order etc.), 5 (change, the human experience driven through the 5 senses (see, smell, taste, touch, hear), adventure, adrenaline, personal freedom, challenging the status quo etc.) and 8 (money, power, status, authority, balancing spiritual and material worlds etc.) as her THREE Karmic Lessons. Her birth chart’s major numbers are all 3s, 6s and 9s. Therefore, the numbers 4, 5 and 8 are not only absent from her full married name but also from her birth chart. This double omission makes her three karmic lessons, EXTREME ones!

What about No8 being so NB in her 1990 lifepath numerology?

Importantly, with regards to numerology number 8, it is not only a karmic lesson for her, but it also presents as her Secondary and Call Name (Patricia Cornwell) expression numbers. The expression number is how a person expresses themselves into the world and No8 is the numerology number most associated with karma, justice, and the enforcement of law. No8 also presents as her Spiritual Initiation Number, which if you will, is her coming of age.

Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

Her Hidden Passion number is No3…

When you analyse her full married name, there are 3x No7s which calculates to 274% of normalised target for someone with 23 letters in their name. Not only is numerology number 3 her Career No (1956//21//3) and her Professional Attainment No (1965//21//3) it is also her hidden passion. Given this, No3 (the creative, inspired, communicator) is the driving force in her numerology birth chart and numerology married name chart. This powerful convergence of 3s, coupled with all the karmic debt 13//4s (work, focus, practicality, getting things done, no nonsense approach etc.) listed in the above inclusion chart, literally makes her a force of nature with productive output levels that few can ever match.

How do we know that sequences 17//8, 21//3 & 18//9 powered Postmortem?

We applied our predictive mathematical model to her full birth name, full married name, and call name. The data matrix generated from this exercise had 1990, the year Postmortem, the first novel of her Kay Scarpetta Series, was published, as being influenced by 17//8, 21//3 and 18//9.

“Crime reporting was aggressive in Richmond, an old Virginia city of 220,000, which last year was listed by the FBI as having the second-highest homicide rate per capita in the United States. It wasn’t uncommon for forensic pathologists from the British Commonwealth to spend a month at my office to learn more about gunshot wounds. It wasn’t uncommon for career cops like Pete Marino to leave the madness of New York or Chicago only to find Richmond was worse.” Patricia Cornwell, Postmortem

Life Path Matrix data sets for bestselling author Patricia Cornwell

Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

Her 1990 life path numerology data reveals that:

  • She had both her life path numbers (18//9) in play;
  • She had both her professional numbers (21//3) in play (Career No; Professional Attainment No);
  • She had her Hidden Passion No3 in play;
  • She had her Karmic Lesson No8 in play;
  • She had her Spiritual Initiation No8 in play;
  • She had two of her three Expression Nos (8) in play

What a year 1990 was numerology wise for Patricia Cornwell; coded to be tremendously eventful and life changing and that it was – simply because she had knuckled down, done the work, and turned inspired, creative thoughts into results through her Kay Scarpetta Series! This is what a highly skilled strategic numerologist looks for, years when the data points to there being a massively powerful convergence of critically important numbers in a person’s life. Guaranteed, it is during these years when much will go down. Having this knowledge allows for intelligent future planning. This explains why we contend that the wealth of information that applied numerology reveals must be included in Human Futurology studies / research designed to help people get the most out of their Grand Organised Design.

Want to know more?

Reach out to Chris and Suzanne Styles

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    Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

    Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

    Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

    Image by kalhh from Pixabay

    Kay Scarpetta Series, Numerology of Authors, Amoure Kleu, Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurology, Futurology Research, Patricia Cornwell Novels, Human Futurists, 365 Pin Code

    Image by HannahJoe7 from Pixabay

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