Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

Lord Archer’s 1979 novel was powered by 18//9 and 10//1…

Born on the same day (18th of April 1906) near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world, both men are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. These two men (William Lowell Kane the son of a wealthy and powerful banker and Abel Rosnovski, originally named Władek Koskiewicz, a Pole who was born in a situation of great poverty) who are both ambitious, powerful, and ruthless are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire, fuelled by their all-consuming hatred. Over 60 years and three generations, through war, marriage, fortune, and disaster, Kane and Abel battle for the success and triumph that only one man can have. This author focused applied numerology research case study into the international bestselling novel Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer reveals that its 1979 publication date synchronises perfectly, and importantly in concentrated format, with Lord Archer’s sun or personal attainment number (19//10//1) and his hidden passion number (9).

“I was born near Slonim. I saw my home taken over by the Germans, my sister raped by the Russians and later I escaped from a Russian labour camp and was lucky enough to reach America. I’m not mad. This is the only country in the world where you can arrive with nothing and become a millionaire though damned hard work regardless of your background.” Jeffrey Archer, Kane and Abel

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“The grandmothers decided on William’s eighth birthday that the time had come for the boy to learn the value of money. With this in mind, they allocated him one dollar a week as pocket money, but insisted that he keep an inventory accounting for every cent he spent. Grandmother Kane presented him with a green leather-bound ledger, at a cost of 95 cents, which she deducted from his first week’s allowance. From then on the grandmothers divided the dollar up every Saturday morning. William could invest 50 cents, spend 20 cents, give 10 cents to charity and keep 20 cents in reserve. At the end of each quarter they would inspect the ledger and his written report on any unusual transactions.” Jeffrey Archer, Kane and Abel

About Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Howard Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare (born 15 April 1940) is an English novelist, former politician, convicted perjurer, and peer of the realm. Before becoming an author, Archer was a Member of Parliament (1969–1974) but did not seek re-election after a financial scandal that left him almost bankrupt. He revived his fortunes as a best-selling novelist; his books have sold more than 320 million copies worldwide. Archer became deputy chairman of the Conservative Party (1985–86), before resigning after a newspaper accused him of paying money to a prostitute. In 1987, he won a court case and was awarded large damages because of this claim. He was made a life peer in 1992 and subsequently became Conservative candidate to be the first elected Mayor of London. He had to resign his candidacy in 1999 after it emerged that he had lied in his 1987 libel case. He was imprisoned (2001–2003) for perjury and perverting the course of justice, ending his elected political career.

Archer wrote his first book, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, in the autumn of 1974, as a means of avoiding bankruptcy. The book was picked up by the literary agent Deborah Owen and published first in the U.S., then eventually in Britain in the autumn of 1976. Kane and Abel (1979) proved to be his best-selling work ever, reaching number one on The New York Times bestsellers list.

“Making a million legally has always been difficult. Making a million illegally has always been a little easier. Keeping a million when you have made it is perhaps the most difficult of all.” Jeffrey Archer, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer was a global phenomenon when it was first released, selling over one million copies in its first week of sale, and it has captivated readers worldwide ever since. In a 2019 interview Lord Archer revealed that Kane and Abel had undergone 123 reprints, sold more than 34,000,000 copies, and been read by well over 100,000,000 people – what an incredible achievement. In the data and charts presented below we will prove to you that the 1979 publication of Kane and Abel was no random accident, that in fact, it was the year which according to Lord Archer’s life path mathematical model had the numbers 9 and 10 defining its annual theme. Significantly, the number 10 is his personal attainment number (TKSPE 19//10//1; DOB derived result; purple arrow on the left) and number 9, his hidden passion (full birth name derived result). In addition to this we will also reveal to you that 1979 was the final year of his second pinnacle experience, defined by numerology sequence 1955//20//2, which synchronised perfectly with his professional attainment number (see TKSPR 1955//20//2 below; purple arrow on the right).

Numerology Birth Chart: Lord Jeffrey Archer, born 15th of April 1940…

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

  • Personal Attainment or Sun Number [TKSPE: 19//10//1; top left quadrant] – No1 is the leader and the original creator.
  • Professional Attainment Number [TKSPR: 1955//20//2; top right quadrant] – No2 is the caring, nurturing diplomat who achieves with and through others (teamwork).
  • 1959 was Jeffrey Archer’s karmic year, which as the detailed life path data presented further below will reveal, was themed around 18//9, the very same numerology sequence that defined his 1979.
  • His No6 [TKS-LFP: 1959//24//6] life path number would imply that there is a high likelihood that something significant would happen to him every No6 universal year [1968; 1977; 1986; 1995; 2004; 2013; 2022, 2031 etc.].

Numerology Full Birth Name Table: Jeffrey Howard Archer

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

  • Jeffrey Archer’s No2 karmic lesson (diplomacy, teamwork, nurturing, supporting, cooperation, collaboration, equilibrium etc.) will express itself through his Professional Attainment Number [see Birth Chart TKSPR, 1955//20//2], his Call Name [Jeffrey Archer] Balance Number, his Call Name [Jeffrey Archer; 74//11//2] Expression Number and during his Second Pinnacle Experience [1971 to 1979].
  • The dominant number in his full birth name, is the No9 [score is 189% which is the highest of all the numbers 1 through 9] making it his hidden passion number. Having a hidden passion number of 9 means that you have almost endless supplies of warmth and love sharing that with others. However, this is combined with a wonderfully creative mind, a part that number 9s often suppress or believe will not lead them to success. If you let your natural self-compassion combine with your artistry, you will likely find yourself more fulfilled than ever.

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

Jeffrey Archer has a Spiritual Initiation No1

Lord Archer’s spiritual initiation number is karmic debt 19//1 as is his personal attainment number (TKSPE 19//10//1). So, what exactly is the Spiritual Initiation Number 1 all about? You are called to be individual, to develop your sense of initiative and ambition. Without a doubt you are going to experience situations that force you to learn to express yourself and reinforce your confidence. In seizing these occasions, not only will you progress but above all you will feel good about yourself. For this reason, you must use the vibration deliberately, without trying to harm or belittle others to raise yourself. Your satisfaction will come when you develop your faculties with regards to yourself. This Spiritual Initiation invites you to overcome egoistic reactions. Avoid comparing yourself with others. Try to break from your mental pride or will and learn “to let go” and intuitively open yourself to a more inspired intelligence. This initiation invites you to understand that you are an “adult”, in other words autonomous, and you must now look for your fundamental support in yourself (from within) and not from outside (from without). In this way you wake up to your deep being, to its desires and power. If you are successful in your initiation, you will be found to be very distinguished and attractive, due to your confidence and panache.

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With regards the importance of the numbers 2, 9 and 10 in Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, here are the data tables (generated from modelling his life path’s experiences) which prove this:

Annual Experience Number: 1979: full birth name [Jeffrey Howard Archer]

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

This data table reveals that when modelling his life path experiences using his full birth name, 1979 is themed around the numerology number 9 [18//9] which is his hidden passion number. Importantly, note that 18//9 presents only in 1979, with 1978 being themed around 24//6 and 1980 being themed around 22//4. Our extensive numerology case study research has proven that years where the Annual Experience Number (RED numbers above) presents for only that year (i.e., the experience is concentrated into just that year and not diluted over a couple of years e.g. his 20//2 AEN that spans 1981 to 1984) are the most important years when it comes to shaping and defining a person’s lifepath journey.

Annual Experience Number: 1979: author / everyday name [Jeffrey Archer]

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

The above data table reveals that when modelling his life path experiences using his everyday name (i.e., dropping his middle name, Howard), 1979 is themed around the numerology number 1 [10//1] which as revealed in his DOB chart, is his personal attainment or sun number. Again, it is critically important to note that the 10//1 presents only in 1979, with 1978 being themed around 16//7 (1976 to 1978) and 1980 being themed around 14//5 (1980 to 1984) which synchronises with his world or career number [Birth YYYY: 1940 = 1+9+4+0 = 14 = 1+4 = 5; 14//5].

In 1979 Jeffrey Archer’s pinnacle experience sequence was 1955//20//2

The final piece of this Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer numerology case study, resides with the number 2, his only karmic lesson as revealed in his full birth name analysis data table. The numerology number 2 is known to numerologists as a supremely feminine force, one that represents both grace and power. It is cooperative, always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation. This Numerology number is extremely sensitive and of all the numbers it has the strongest intuition. No2 senses vibrational currents and feelings instinctively, then use these clues to connect with others empathically. At its very core, the No2 represents partnerships, duality (duality = opposites: war and peace, rich and poor, day and night, haves and have-nots etc.) and equilibrium – the coming together or balancing of two individual people (Kane and Abel), concepts, or things. While it holds great power over any situation, it wields it with such diplomacy and tact that the result is not control and authority, but harmony and teamwork.

Table of Pinnacle and Challenge Experiences: Jeffrey Archer born 15th of April 1940…

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer was published in 1979. The above data table reveals that 1979 was the final year (bottom red and black arrow) of Lord Archer’s 2nd Pinnacle Experience themed around numerology sequence 1955//20//2. What is fascinating is that Jeffrey Archer’s professional attainment number (see TKSPR top right of his birth chart) is the same numerology number sequence, 1955//20//2. How do we know this? Birth DD + Birth YYYY = 15+1940 = 1955 = 1+9+5+5 = 20 = 2+0 = 2; hence 1955//20//2. Therefore, the years 1971 through to 1979 (a 9-year cycle) had his Pinnacle Experience synchronising 100% with his Professional Attainment Number and when synchronicities like this happen in numerology, incredible things happen, such as his creation of Kane and Abel which has been his bestselling book ever and the one that shot him to both fame and fortune as an author.

Want to know more?

Reach out to Chris and Suzanne Styles

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    Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

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    Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

    Image by Dr StClaire from Pixabay

    Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, numerology of Jeffrey Archer, Amoure Kleu, numerology bestselling authors, numerology research, human futurology, human futurists, 365 Pin Code

    Image by illusion-X from Pixabay

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