Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Susanna Clarke who wrote Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell has a Number 9 Life Path

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is the debut novel by British writer Susanna Clarke. Published in 2004, it is an alternative history set in 19th-century England around the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Its premise is that magic once existed in England and has returned with two men: Gilbert Norrell and Jonathan Strange. Centred on the relationship between these two men, the novel investigates the nature of “Englishness” and the boundaries between reason and unreason, Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Dane, and Northern and Southern English cultural tropes/stereotypes. Clarke began writing Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell in 1992; ten years later she submitted the manuscript for publication. It was accepted by Bloomsbury and published in September 2004, with illustrations by Portia Rosenberg. Bloomsbury were so sure of its success that they printed 250,000 hardcover copies.

The novel was well received by critics and reached number three on the New York Times best-seller list. It was longlisted for the 2004 Man Booker Prize and won the 2005 Hugo Award for Best Novel. The novel was well received by critics and reached number three on the New York Times best-seller list, remaining on the list for eleven weeks. A seven-part adaptation of the book by the BBC began broadcast on BBC One on Sunday 17 May 2015. The book was adapted by Peter Harness, directed by Toby Haynes, and produced by Cuba Pictures and Feel Films.

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The Numerology of Susanne Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

365 Pin Code Numerology is the world’s leading numerology research unit which is systematically unpacking how numbers combine to create a person’s unique Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint. Their research to-date has proven (access multiple bestselling author case studies that confirm this) that moments of incredible success are not random, they were in fact hardcoded into a person’s life path numerical matrix. Thing is, only a handful of numerologists at most, know how intelligently decode a person’s life path, mathematically. 365 Pin Code has developed a predictive numerology model that does exactly this, and very accurately! This is why we contend that numerology can make an incredibly positive contribution when it comes to creating personal and professional success strategies! This is what makes us leaders in the field of Human Futurology. As we will now prove to you, the 2004 and 2005 literary success Susanna Clarke enjoyed around her debut novel, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, correlates with numerology number 9, her life path number. If you want to understand all your life path numbers, access our Life Path Numerology Calculator.

365 Pin Code Numerology Birth Chart of Susanna Clarke

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Susanne Clarke has a Number 9 Life Path: Birth DD + Birth MM + Birth YYYY = 1+11+1959 = 1971 = 1+9+7+1 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 1971//18//9 (top green arrow, TKS-LFP). She has a Number 9 Shadow Life Path: Shadow Birth DD + Shadow Birth MM + Shadow Birth YYYY = 8+7+3 = 18 = 1+8 = 9; 18//9 (bottom green arrow, TSS-LFP). In 2004, the year her debut, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell was published, she was in a number 9 personal year (left green arrow, TKSPE). The years 2004 and 2005 would see her being wonderfully rewarded for her determination, for having persisted with this task for so many years. If you want to understand just how determined Susanna Clarke is, here is her 365 Pin Code Numerology Pythagoras Square Birth Chart…

365 Pin Code Numerology Pythagoras Square birth chart for international bestselling author Susanne Clarke

Pythagoras chart Susanna Clarke

Clarke first developed the idea for Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell while she was teaching in Bilbao: “I had a kind of waking dream … about a man in 18th-century clothes in a place rather like Venice, talking to some English tourists. And I felt strongly that he had some sort of magical background – he’d been dabbling in magic, and something had gone badly wrong.” She had also recently reread J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and afterward was inspired to “writing a novel of magic and fantasy”. After she returned from Spain in 1993, Clarke began to think seriously about writing her novel. She signed up for a five-day fantasy and science-fiction writing workshop, co-taught by science fiction and fantasy writers Colin Greenland and Geoff Ryman. The students were expected to prepare a short story before attending, but Clarke only had “bundles” of material for her novel. From this she extracted “The Ladies of Grace Adieu”, a fairy tale about three women secretly practising magic who are discovered by the famous Jonathan Strange. Greenland was so impressed with the story that, without Clarke’s knowledge, he sent an excerpt to his friend, the fantasy writer Neil Gaiman. Gaiman later said, “It was terrifying from my point of view to read this first short story that had so much assurance … It was like watching someone sit down to play the piano for the first time and she plays a sonata.”Gaiman showed the story to his friend, science-fiction writer and editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden. Clarke learned of these events when Nielsen Hayden called and offered to publish her story in his anthology Starlight 1 (1996), which featured pieces by well-regarded science-fiction and fantasy writers. She accepted, and the book won the World Fantasy Award for best anthology in 1997. Colin Greenland, Clarke’s partner, did not read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell until it was published.

“There are people in this world, whose lives are nothing but a burden to them. A black veil stands between them and the world. They are utterly alone. They are like shadows in the night, shut off from joy and all gentle human emotions, unable to even give comfort to each other. Their days are full of nothing but darkness, misery and solitude.” Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Clarke spent the next ten years working on the novel in her spare time. She also published stories in Starlight 2 (1998) and Starlight 3 (2001); according to The New York Times Magazine, her work was known and appreciated by a small group of fantasy fans and critics on the internet. Overall, she published seven short stories in anthologies. “Mr Simonelli, or The Fairy Widower” was shortlisted for a World Fantasy Award in 2001. Clarke was never sure if she would finish her novel or if it would be published. Clarke tried to write for three hours each day, beginning at 5:30 am, but struggled to keep this schedule. Rather than writing the novel from beginning to end, she wrote in fragments and attempted to stitch them together. Clarke, admitting that the project was for herself and not for the reader, “clung to this method” “because I felt that if I went back and started at the beginning, [the novel] would lack depth, and I would just be skimming the surface of what I could do. But if I had known it was going to take me ten years, I would never have begun. I was buoyed up by thinking that I would finish it next year, or the year after next. “Clarke and Greenland fell in love while she was writing the novel and moved in together.

Around 2001, Clarke “had begun to despair”, and started looking for someone to help her finish and sell the book. Giles Gordon became her first literary agent and sold the unfinished manuscript to Bloomsbury in early 2003, after two publishers rejected it as unmarketable. Bloomsbury were so sure the novel would be a success that they offered Clarke a £1 million advance. They printed 250,000 hardcover copies simultaneously in the United States, Britain, and Germany. Seventeen translations were begun before the first English publication was released on 8 September 2004 in the United States and on 30 September in the United Kingdom.

“Yet it is true—skin can mean a great deal. Mine means that any man may strike me in a public place and never fear the consequences. It means that my friends do not always like to be seen with me in the street. It means that no matter how many books I read, or languages I master, I will never be anything but a curiosity—like a talking pig or a mathematical horse.” Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Using the predictive numerology model that we mentioned earlier, we modelled the life path of Susanna Clarke and this is what we discovered with regards to her 2004 and 2005…

Table of Life Path related Annual Experience Number for Susanna Clarke

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Note how in 2001, the year when Clarke has begun to despair, she enters a four-year period (2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004) driven by Annual Experience Number (AEN) karmic debt number 14//5. Whenever karmic debt numbers present along your life path, you are being tested. Karmic debt number 14 is all about persistence, it resonates with the life lesson that if you (self, me, independence, the No1 traits of the 14) will work hard, persist, be discipline and stay focused (the No4 traits of the 14), you will induce change and gain much personal freedom (these are the core No5 traits). No coincidence that her debut novel was published on the 8th of September 2004, just as she was entering the final quarter (Q4 2004) of the last year of her last karmic debt / No14//5 coded experience. We mapped her entire life path from birth through to Age 100 and the concentrated 9//9 experience also presented in her life path numerology back in 1984 and it will again present itself in 2045 and 2047.

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke, 365 Pin Code, human futurology, numerology models

In 2005 Susanna Clarke has a Concentrated Life Path Experience!

By now you are aware that Susanna Clarke has a No9 life path and No9 shadow life path. Whenever life path number related events present, much happens, guaranteed! In the above table, note how the numerology number sequence 9//9 appears only in 2005. Her 2004 AEN was 14//5, her 2005 EN was 9//9 and her 2006 AEN was 17//8. Therefore, the 9 occurs only once, sandwiched if you will between the 14//5 and 17//8. This is what we at 365 Pin Code called a Concentrated Annual Experience and given that it is life path number related, this is by far, the most significant experience can ever present along one’s timeline of life path journey. True to form numerology wise, that year she won the 2005 Hugo Award for Best Novel and fame and fortune were hers. Note how the AEN sequence 17//8 starts in 2006 and persists through to 2008. This brings numerology number 8 into play, No8 synching with wealth, fame, fortune, status, authority, achievement, leading others, wealth etc. She has no No8’s presenting in her full birth name, therefore the No8 is one of her karmic lessons, the other being No6 (family, relationships, responsibility, matters of the heart etc). From this we can conclude that as per Susanna Clarke’s 365 Pin Code Numerology, 2004 and 2005 were always coded to be extremely significant years in her life’s journey and through her novel, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, she lived up to the pinnacle potentiality they offered. Congratulations to her!

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