Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme
In this international bestselling author research article, we unpack the Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme and reveal why her magical numerology number success sequence is 12//3 which links with creativity, communication, inspiration, self-expression, imagination etc. The New Zealand writer won the Man Booker Prize in 1985 for her only novel, The Bone People. She was the first New Zealander to win this award. Hulme’s writing explores themes of isolation, postcolonial and multicultural identity, and Maori, Celtic, and Norse mythology. She has also written under the pen name Kai Tainui.
The powerful, visionary, Booker Award–winning novel about the complicated relationships between three outcasts of mixed European and Maori heritage
Winner of both a Booker Prize and Pegasus Prize for Literature, The Bone People is a work of unfettered wordplay and mesmerizing emotional complexity.
Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme: About Keri Hulme
Hulme was born in Christchurch, in New Zealand’s South Island. The daughter of John W., a carpenter, and Mere, a credit manager, she was the eldest of six children. Her parents were of English, Scottish, and Māori (Kai Tahu) descent. “Our family comes from diverse people: Kai Tahu, Kāti Māmoe (South Island Maori iwi); Orkney islanders; Lancashire folk; Faroese and/or Norwegian migrants,” Hulme told Contemporary Women Poets. Her early education was at North New Brighton Primary School and Aranui High School. Her father died when she was 11 years old. Hulme worked as a tobacco picker in Motueka after high school. She began studying for an honours law degree at the University of Canterbury in 1967, but, left after four terms and returned to tobacco picking, continuing to write throughout this period. By 1972, she decided to begin writing full-time, but, despite family support, was forced to go back to work nine months later. She continued writing, some of her work appearing under the pseudonym Kai Tainui. During this time, she continued working on her novel, The Bone People, ultimately published in February 1984. Before it was accepted by the Spiral Collective, a feminist literary and arts collective in New Zealand, several publishers rejected the manuscript.
Who are the Bone People and why are they Called this?
The title The Bone People draws parallels between the Māori people, who use bone extensively in art and tools, and the notion of the core or skeleton of a person: in the novel the characters are figuratively stripped to the bone. In Māori, the term iwi, usually referring to a tribal group, literally means “bone”. Thus, in the novel, “E nga iwi o nga iwi” p. 395, translates to “O the bones of the people” (where ‘bones’ stands for ancestors or relations), but it also translates to “O the people of the bones” (i.e. the beginning people, the people who make another people).
“A family can be the bane of one’s existence. A family can also be most of the meaning of one’s existence. I don’t know whether my family is bane or meaning, but they have surely gone away and left a large hole in my heart.” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
365 Pin Code investigative numerology
This investigative work on the numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme will unpack her date of birth (09.03.1947), her name and her 365 Pin Code Annual Experience Numbers to reveal to you, how in the years running up to 1984, the year The Bone People was published, she had Number 3 Energy (communication, creativity, self-expression; imagination etc.) flowing through her like a raging river. This wave of 3 energy synchronised perfectly (see the bright green arrows in chart below) with her MM of Birth, YY of Birth, Personal Attainment Number, Professional Attainment Number, Shadow Life Path Number, Expression Number, Hidden Passion Number and Pinnacle 2 Experience Number! Wow, what a phenomenal numerological convergence that is, no wonder something magical happened the year after this [1984]!
Birth Chart Analysis Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme, born 09.03.1947
In the opening paragraph of this numerology analysis, we alluded to the fact that Keri Hulme’s magical numerology number success sequence is 12//3 which links with creativity, communication, inspiration, self-expression, imagination etc. In the above 365 Pin Code Numerology birth chart for her, the number 3 appears five times! As her Personal Attainment Number (TKSPE; 12//3), as her Professional Attainment Number (TKSPR; 12//3), as her World / Career Number (Birth YY is 1947; 1947 = 1+9+4+7 = 21 = 2+1 = 3; 21/3), as her Family / Intimate Number (Birth MM is March; 3) and as her Shadow / Emotional Life Path (TSS-LFP; 21//3). To have that many 3’s in a birth chart is extremely rare and it signals that her DOB is powered coded to synchronise with the communicative genius of the Number 3 Energy…
“They were nothing more than people, by themselves. Even paired, any pairing, they would have been nothing more than people by themselves. But all together, they have become the heart and muscles and mind of something perilous and new, something strange and growing and great. Together, all together, they are the instruments of change.” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
365 Pin Code Pythagoras Square Birth Chart for Keri Hulme born 09.03.1947
In this birth chart we reveal that Keri Hume has two arrows, the Arrow of Heightened Sensitivity and the Arrow of Practicality.
The Arrow of Heightened Sensitivity explained:
Source: The Complete Book of Numerology by Dr David A. Phillips: When no numbers appear on the soul / emotional plane of the chart, varying degrees of emotional problems can arise within the woman because of her emotional sensitivity. Please be very clear on this fact – the absence of numbers does not imply that the person has no soul, it implies that their soul protection is not strong and so their sensitivity is easily exposed to the outside world which can lead to others cruelly taking advantage of this. Women who carry this arrow are easily hurt in the early years before they learn to mask their feelings, to cover up their sensitivity. Their heightened sensitivity can lead to excessive shyness when young and this in turn may result in their developing an inferiority complex. As women who carry this arrow mature, they learn to overcome this extremely heightened state of emotional sensitivity and once they have taken control of their emotional world, they usually go on to achieve much success. This arrow gives them a deeply loving and tender nature. They need to guard against developing an outer hardness which is in direct conflict with their relaxed, natural expression. As long as they live, women with this arrow will have to deal with overcoming emotional sensitivity and the best way for them to master this experience / lesson, is through learning how to differentiate between reaction (a spur of the moment response) and positive action (a delayed, outcomes-based response, which is linked with logic and thought and not pure, raw emotion!).
The Arrow of Practicality explained:
Source: The Complete Book of Numerology by Dr David A. Phillips: These are the doing people of this world. With all the numbers present on the physical plane, these people are only satisfied when they are involved with the practicalities of life! They are very clever with their hands but may need solid strategic direction because they will often decide to do things without thinking them through (a ready, fire, aim approach if you will…). How they acquire experience is through involvement. They are very materially driven and may possess a number combination which allows them to rise above all things material and develop into capable artists and musicians. Given their heavy emphasis on the physical plane they are not always the best judge of character. Their extreme innate material desires come with a word a caution – excessive materialistic tendencies can cause them to become harsh and cruel, always seeking to be in control and never trusting that anybody else can do as good a job as they can… As such it is very important for women, like Keri Hulme, who have this arrow, to acknowledge their sensitivity and understand other people’s needs.
“Sunflowers and seashells and logarithmic spirals (said Kerewin); sweep of galaxies and the singing curve of the universe (said Kerewin); the oscillating wave thrumming in the nothingness of every atom’s heart (said Kerewin); did you think I could build a square house? So the round shell house holds them all in its spiralling embrace. Noise and riot, peace and quiet, all is music in this sphere.” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
365 Pin Code Pinnacle Experience Chart for Keri Hulme born 09.03.1947
The above chart illustrates Keri Hulme’s 4 life path related pinnacle experiences, what number sequences drive them and when they start and when they end. The Bone People was published in 1984 and won awards in 1985. The blue block around Pinnacle 2 Experience, driven by the 12//3 numerology number sequence, links with these two years. Another massive synchronicity happening here with her number 3 energy related pinnacle experience linking with the five 3’s in her birth chart. As futurist numerologists, this is what we look for when engaging with clients who have contracted us to do either their personal numbers and related experiences or their Numerology for Business numbers and related experiences.
“She had debated, in the frivolity of the beginning, whether to build a hole or a tower; a hole, because she was fond of hobbits, or a tower — well, a tower for many reasons, but chiefly because she liked spiral staircases.” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
Name Analysis Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme
Your expression number is one of the most important numbers in numerology and it reveals how you would best express yourself into this world of ours. As this name analysis chart reveals, again the 12//3 numerology sequence appears, as her expression number! By now you should realise that with 12//3 making its presence felt in such extremely important positions in both her birth and name charts, it must carry tremendous success creating significance for her and as you’re about to learn, it does!
The number explained another way
Three is the first mind (thinking) number. Following the primary verbal (1) and intuitive (2) expressions comes the mental. It is the gateway to the conscious mind and to rational understanding, the focus of left-brain activity, the key to memory. The number 3 is symbolised by the triangle, representing the connection of mind, soul and body.
“The colour has faded out of the sky. It is grey, becoming darker as the world turns herself round a little more. The clouds are long and black and ragged, like the wings of stormbattered dragons.” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
365 Pin Code Inclusion Chart (Name Analysis) for Keri Hulme
This fascinating information table reveals that one of Keri Hulme’s shared hidden passions is the Number 3. Therefore, buried deep within her is the burning desire to experience what this numbers offers, with maximum intensity. It is also most interesting to note that she has as karmic lessons, the numbers 1, 5, 6 and 7. It is extremely rare for someone to have the Number 1 Energy (1 is the most masculine number and it links with leadership, attainment, bravery, the ego, original creation etc.) as a karmic lesson.
Her other karmic lessons are:
Number 5: links with having to learn to deal with change, being flexible, adaptable, challenging (in terms of the norm / accepted status quo) and really having the human experience as lived with and through the 5-senses (see, smell, touch, taste, hear). The number 5 karmic lesson can also present itself through excessive experimentation with sex, drugs, alcohol etc, “the dark taboos” if you will…
Number 6: links with family, relationships, responsibility, matters of the heart, sense of community, grace and gratitude etc.
Number 7: links with mysticism, spiritual journey, seeking deep meaningful truths, developing the mind and being aware of your thoughts and the impact they have, developing critical thinking and analytical skills etc.
This is where 365 Pin Code Numerology provides you with Next Level Intelligence
The chart that follows is where all the intelligence which we’ve shared above, especially with regards to the numerology number sequence 12//3 comes to the fore. The data tabled below comes from an incredibly accurate predictive mathematical model which we created and continue to refine. It is this model’s outputs which have been used in literally all our detailed research articles (Advanced Numerology R&D) published to-date. When many of the data points discussed above are fed into it, it gifts us lines of annual experiential coding for the study subject, in this case, Keri Hulme.
From these bespoke lines of code and our world class report, we can interpret what was happening in a given year (like 1984 and 1985 for Keri Hulme) or during a number of years, and in 4D, personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical and professional emotional. There is nothing out there, numerology wise, which even comes close to this. That’s why we have clients from all over the world asking us to leverage 365 Pin Code analytics to help them to make more intelligence strategic personal and professional decisions.
365 Pin Code Annual Experience Number Chart: Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme
So, what does the above chart tell us?
The Bone People was published in 1984. That year, Keri Hulme’s entered a four-year cycle (1984 to 1987) driven by the numerology number sequence karmic 13//4 (see 13 and 4 in two left hand columns above). Numerology wise, the really interesting period for Keri Hulme, is that leading up to 1984. We’re talking 1979 to 1983 (5 years). Again, looking at the two left hand columns, we see that the numerology number sequence 12//3 (i.e. number 3 energy) is in play. This aligns perfectly, as stated earlier, with her MM of Birth, YY of Birth, Personal Attainment Number, Professional Attainment Number, Shadow Life Path Number, Expression Number, Hidden Passion Number and Pinnacle 2 Experience Number! So, from 1979 through to 1983 her 365 Pin Code numerology blueprint was coded for a time of maximum creative, self-expression – no wonder it was during these years that she created her only novel, the award winning The Bone People.
Once we have accurately mapped your lifepath’s experiential data as we have done above for Keri Hulme, we then help you to intelligently look back and understand your past experiences; make sense of your current circumstances and plan for your future experiences in such a way that you can strategically optimise them. That’s why 365 Pin Code Numerology is next level intelligence for those who are serious about deliberately creating more personal and professional success.
“You want to know about anybody? See what books they read, and how they’ve been read…” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
Numerology of The Bone People by Keri Hulme
Keri Hulme’s wonderful novel wanted to get you thinking differently about people and life. So too do we. From the moment you were born, a mathematically intelligent experiential matrix was laid down and you’re actively engaged with it every minute of every day. The people you attract into your life (and especially your immediate family) are your teachers; their appearance is not random happenstance. They arrive at the perfect moment and exit exactly when they’re meant to. Hopefully, with and through them you learn the lesson you need to understand and internalise. Otherwise, once they’re gone, you will attract someone else (and that’s why you keep on attracting the same people to you!) who will attempt to teach you the same lesson all over again, this time through an even more extreme experience.
“Sometimes, the waves grow hushed, but the sea is always there, touching, caressing, eating the earth…” Keri Hulme, The Bone People
Want to know more?
Reach out to Chris and Suzanne Styles