The Numerology Master Numbers of Billie Jean King
Enter the fascinating world of the Numerology Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33 with a Female Tennis Ace who has ALL Three
The numerology master numbers are 11, 22 and 33. It is incredibly unusual to have even one of them in your 365 Pin Code Numerology, yet astonishingly some people have ALL three numerology master numbers present. We are talking the likes of actress Scarlett Johansson born on the 22nd of November 1984 (Birth DD 22nd = master number 22; November = master number 11; Birth YYYY 1984 = master number 22; Sun Number = 22+11 = master number 33). And, then there’s one of the greatest athletes of all time, Billie Jean King born on the 22nd of November 1943 (Birth DD 22nd = master number 22; November = master number 11; Birth YYYY 1943 = 17//8 not a master number; Sun Number = 22+11 = master number 33). The book she wrote with Christine Brennan, Pressure is a Privilege, was published on the 22nd of July 2008 (22.02.2008 = 22+2+2008 = 2032 = 2+0+3+2 = 7) a No7 Universal Day (a day or reflection). In this research article we reveal exactly where all three numerology master numbers 11, 22 and 33 present themselves in Billie Jean King’s 365 Pin Code Numerology Birth Chart. We also explain what each master number means and why master number 11 is The Master Intuitive, master number 22 is The Master Builder and master number 33 is The Master Teacher.
“I didn’t really care if I had a coach that much, me personally, because I was brought up to think for myself.” Billie Jean King
Pressure is a Privilege
Billie Jean King’s victory over Bobby Riggs in the “Battle of the Sexes” was a pivotal moment in gender relations for generations of American women and men. But her journey to the “Battle of the Sexes” was no accident. Now, for the first time ever, Billie Jean shares the life lessons that led to her success in that match, in sports, and in the world at large. Published in conjunction with the 35th anniversary of this monumental event, Pressure is a Privilege uses the Billie Jean King / Bobby Riggs match to illustrate what she learned in her early life that brought her to that event and the lessons that she learned from it. Packed with the common-sense lessons by which Billie Jean has lived her remarkable life, as well as words of wisdom and inspirational advice for how you can use these lessons, Pressure is a Privilege is an invaluable tool for any person in any profession who wants to achieve a richer, more fulfilling life.
“I like putting money back into what made my life, and tennis has been great to me.” Billie Jean King
About Billie Jean King
Billie Jean King (née Moffitt; born November 22, 1943) is an American former World No. 1 professional tennis player. King won 39 Grand Slam titles: 12 in singles, 16 in women’s doubles, and 11 in mixed doubles. She often represented the United States in the Federation Cup and the Wightman Cup. She was a member of the victorious United States team in seven Federation Cups and nine Wightman Cups. For three years, she was the United States’ captain in the Federation Cup.
King is an advocate for gender equality and has long been a pioneer for equality and social justice. In 1973, at age 29, she won the “Battle of the Sexes” tennis match against the 55-year-old Bobby Riggs. She was also the founder of the Women’s Tennis Association and the Women’s Sports Foundation. She was also instrumental in persuading cigarette brand Virginia Slims to sponsor women’s tennis in the 1970s and went on to serve on the board of their parent company Philip Morris in the 2000s.
Regarded by many in the sport as one of the greatest women’s tennis players of all time, King was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1987. The Fed Cup Award of Excellence was bestowed on her in 2010. In 1972, she was the joint winner, with John Wooden, of the Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year award and was one of the Time Persons of the Year in 1975. She has also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Sunday Times Sportswoman of the Year lifetime achievement award. She was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1990, and in 2006, the USTA National Tennis Center in New York City was renamed the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. In 2018, she won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award.
“I think younger players probably just think they are who they are-they don’t think about coming out. Unless you’re number one in the world, nobody cares, usually.” Billie Jean King
The Numerology Master Numbers in Billie Jean King’s 365 Pin Code Birth Chart
The above birth chart, presented in a way that is unique to 365 Pin Code Numerology, the R&D arm of Suzanne and Chris Styles’ innovative Group of Futurist-Focused Companies, reveals exactly where the three numerology master numbers of Billie Jean King present (see the light blue circles surrounding 11, 22 and 33). All three of her numerology master numbers present within her Personal Numerology. By this we mean they are internally focused – these numbers are all presented in the left-hand half of her birth chart. Her Professional Numerology, which is external facing, is presented in all the numbers in the right-hand half of her birth chart.
Master Number 11, The Master Intuitive
Being born in November, makes master number 11, BJK’s Family or Intimate Number. MN-11 is the first of the numerology master numbers. Numerology number 1 is masculine. Numerology number 2 is feminine. MN-11 has 2×1’s and 1×2 (11 = 1+1 = 2). Therefore, master number 11 is the combination of masculine and feminine. This allows it to usually have a very balanced perspective on things and excellent conflict resolution skills, because MN-11 has the inherent ability to easily to see merit in both sides. No2 energy being feminine, brings intuition in play. Intuitive prowess is one of the most important human potential aspects which people with MN11 in their charts must develop. MN-11 means that you have great instinct. In fact, you can sense accidents and other negative incidents before they happen. Your dreams are more than just dreams; they sometimes give you an insight to future events. And because 11 is the root of all master numbers, your abilities are strong. You may even have healing and telepathic abilities. Understand much more about MN-11.
Master Number 22, The Master Builder
Being born on the 22nd, brings the second of the numerology master numbers, master number 22 into frame. MN-22 synchs with tremendous practical prowess. Thing is the No2, and remember in 22 there are 2×2’s, is at its best when it is mobilising the collective efforts of many (teamwork) toward a shared common objective. This explains why Sir Richard Branson, who has a MN-22 life path, has achieved so much over the years. He surrounds himself with brilliant people who help him to fulfil against his inspired “let’s build it” visions. Remember, when you see a person who is strongly affected by MN-22 you will see someone who loves working with their hands. You may also not that they dislike being interrupted or bothered. MN-22 tend to avoid confrontation, so they may simply retreat from social contact until they finish their task. While some may see this as being a “loner,” the fact is that the strong number 22 always has a higher purpose in mind with their task, something that will benefit everyone.
Master Number 33, The Master Teacher
BJK’s Sun Number or Personal Attainment Number is the master number 33 (Birth DD + Birth MM = 22 + 11 = 33). MN-33 is the final of the numerology master numbers – we do not recognise 44, 55, 66 etc as being master numbers; some numerologists do, we do not. The essence number or lower octave of MN-33 is numerology number 6 (33 = 3+3 = 6). No6 synchs with relationships, responsibility, sense of community, matters of the heart, helping others, grace, and gratitude etc. MN-33 is in probability the most influential of the numerology master numbers and resonates with the energies of honesty, compassion, inspiration, courage, and blessings. High level of sincere devotion makes the MN-33 outstanding. This is the spiritual meaning of MN-33: You can handle any difficult tasks because you have the support of the divine realm. Get out of your comfort zone and start making spontaneous decisions in your life. Do something new so you gain new experiences and learn new things. Whether it’s in your relationship or work, you are about to witness significant growth in these aspects of your life, so you need to brace yourself and get ready.
Pythagoras Square Birth Chart for Billie Jean Moffitt born 22.11.1943
This chart proves that BJK never did anything without first thinking it through very carefully, especially with her Arrow of The Planner measuring at Level 6 Intensity which is the highest score we have ever recorded for this arrow in all our years of research and analysing thousands of charts. Persons having the arrow of planner have the following characteristics: they think before they act, they have a good business mindset, they know how to work effectively and efficiently with others in business, they know how to set goals, they know how to plan effectively to achieve the goals, they always plan the future, they innately understand that knowledge is a key to success factor, they love to plan and organize with other to achieve collectively beneficial goals and they have tremendous self-control and discipline.
“Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.” Billie Jean King
In what Year did Billie Jean King come out?
On May 1st, 1981, Billie Jean King, driven by the circumstances, became the first prominent professional female athlete to publicly come out about her homosexuality. Her former secretary filed a palimony case against King, claiming she had an affair for several years with the former world no.1 and winner of 12 Grand Slam tournaments. Marilyn Barnett, a hair-dresser born in 1948, was Billie Jean King’s personal assistant in the 70’s. She was at the same time her secretary, manager and confidante. According to her own words, quoted by the New York Times on April 30 1981, she was also “cooking, cleaning, and all other things necessary so that Mrs. King’s energy could be totally directed toward playing tennis.” The two women had an affair from 1972 to 1979. In 1979, Marilyn became paraplegic after a fall from a balcony in a Malibu house owned by the Kings, where she lived. Purely for interest sake, note that 1981 [1981 = 1+9+8+1 = 19; karmic debt number 19] was a No19 universal year. No19 is one of numerology’s four karmic debt numbers, the other three being karmic debt 13, karmic debt 14 and karmic debt 16.
“I used to be told if I talked about my sexuality in any way that we wouldn’t have a tennis tour.” Billie Jean King
Does her Coming Out show itself in her Numerology Modelled Numbers?
Yes, it does. Clearly so. As we explain why this is so, bear in mind that Billie Jean King (neé Moffitt) was born on the 22nd and that the No22 reduces to the No4 (22 = 2+2 = 4) and also has the No13 (13 = 1+3+4) as another of its lower octaves. Our numerology research has revealed that whenever the No13 presents experience wise for someone who has the No22 in their birth chart, much happens, and this usually goes hand in hand with tremendous emotional upheaval.
1981 was a Karmic 13//4 year for Billie Jean King
Please refer to the line of code for 1981 below. Note on the left hand-side that there are two large black bold numbers, 13 and 4. Numerology No13 is a karmic debt number and it also presents when a person undergoes the equivalent of a karmic rebirth (No13 in Tarot major arcana is The Death card). This No13//4 karmic period for BJK started in 1978 and ended, dramatically, in 1981. Because these years are all driven by the Annual Experience Number 4, it means that these years would have had a very personal impact on BJK (remember, Birth DD 22nd, reduces to No4). The 7&4 number combination in her 1981 line of code always spells disaster. These are one of the most antagonistic number combinations in numerology and they always reveal a terribly troubled or challenging time! The data table that is presented below comes from a complex predictive numerology model that we have built. What this proves, is that from the moment someone is born and named, these data points, coupled with more which we use for our modelling purposes, lay down a mathematically informed life path which the person is going to experience no matter what. Much as this might astonish you, BJK’s coming out in 1981, was no random accident, it was hardwired into her 365 Pin Code Numerology and the person who would be directly involved with this event, was always going to be Marilyn Barnett. It’s amazing what numerology for relationships reveals when you really dig deep into two people’s numbers, but that’s another research article on these two women who were no doubt karmically entwined.
Nothing in Life is Random – this is a Most Uncomfortable Truth
The sooner you realise that there are no coincides in your life, the sooner you will begin to really understand life and how it works. There is no random magic, there are only deliberately designed, intelligently coded, mathematical events that exist to present you with what you must experience and learn.
Summary: One of Billie Jean King’s numerology master numbers is master number 22. It presents as her Birth DD and therefore it is her personal numerology number. 1981’s Annual Experience Number for her was 13//4, the lower octave of 22. Therefore, given the 7&4’s and double 4’s, 1981 was always going to deliver what would be a massively personal experience. And that is exactly what happened.
All her Numerology Master Numbers combined in Such a Way that BJK Made a Tremendous Difference!
Marianne Schnell, Nov 2018, Forbes: “When I asked King what words of advice and inspiration she has for women and girls, she said, “To keep believing in themselves. We’ve been socialized – girls have been taught to be perfect and boys have been taught to be brave. Don’t let yourself think that you have to be perfect. This socialization can hold women back in their careers, King told me. “Here’s what happens a lot with a job. A job will have ten points to it, and the girl will look at nine and go, ‘I can’t do that tenth one.’ A guy will look at it and go, ‘I knew five out of ten, and I’ll bluff my way through the other five.’ She doesn’t have to be perfect. If she can do six or seven or five, she is fine—go for it. Another thing is women are usually hired on performance and men are hired on potential. It is very important that when companies are hiring they start thinking about women’s potential, not just their performance because they always keep us back that way. Like if a woman is going to get on a board, what kind of experience does she have? Well, 75 percent of men that are on boards are rookies. They haven’t been on any board either, but no one ever questions that. So women have to stand up and remind them, ‘Look, I have potential. I can do this.’” BJK certainly had the vision (master number 11), has built something practical that benefits many (master number 22) and serves to be a constant living reminder, as in inspirational teacher (master number 33), to everyone that being the victim or the victor is a choice. She epitomises what a life path journey driven by the numerology master numbers should be like.