The Numerology of John Grisham’s 1991 bestselling book:

The Firm

In this piece of Strategic Applied Numerology research, we unpack the Numerology of John Grisham, the author’s 1991 bestselling book The Firm. We do so in a mind-blowing way which reveals to you that though he had to do the work (without concerted effort there can be no magnificent result) to create this phenomenal success, it was not mere happenstance. It was in fact hardcoded into his lifepath’s mathematically intelligent numerical matrix. This will get you thinking very differently about life and numbers and you’ll connect with the truth that your full birth name and date of birth are no random accident or event; when intelligently unpacked they carry within them extreme strategic relevance as to who you are, why you are here and why you will experience what you do when you do.

John Grisham’s book The Firm was the bestselling novel of 1991

Long before his name became synonymous with the modern legal thriller, he was working 60-70 hours a week at a small Southaven, Mississippi, law practice, squeezing in time before going to the office and during courtroom recesses to work on his hobby—writing his first novel. The day after John Grisham completed A Time to Kill, he began work on another novel, the story of a hotshot young attorney lured to an apparently perfect law firm that was not what it appeared. When he sold the film rights to The Firm to Paramount Pictures for $600,000, Grisham suddenly became a hot property among publishers, and book rights were bought by Doubleday. Spending 47 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list, The Firm became the bestselling novel of 1991.

365 Pin Code Birth Chart for John Ray Grisham, born 08.02.1995

John Grisham Keystone Triangles

There are multiple numbers present in the above chart and we could carefully and strategically unpack each of these, however, for the purpose of this piece of research which focusses purely on the Numerology of John Grisham’s 1991 bestselling book The Firm, the key numbers for you to focus on, are:

John Ray Grisham born 08.02.1955 has a Number 3 Life Path (see red circled 3 above; backing numbers are 1965 and 21). He has a Shadow (Emotional) Life Path Number 6 (se black circled 6 above; backing number is 15). He has the Number 8 energy (DD birth = 8th) present as his personal energy (no wonder he pursued a legal career at first; the number 8 deals with amongst others, legal and material matters). He has the Number 2 energy presented in both his family / intimate energy (MM birth = Feb = 2) and world / career energy (1955 = 1+9+5+5 = 20 = 2+0 = 2).

“In life, finding a voice is speaking and living the truth. Each of you is an original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard.” John Grisham

John Grisham, The Firm, Strategic Numerology, 365 Pin Code,

Grisham’s success with The Firm really manifests in 1995 through Numerology numbers 7 and 8

Note the synchronicity between the two number 2’s in his birth chart and the year (1991 = 1+9+9+1 = 20 = 2 = number 2 universal energy year)  the book, The Firm, was published. This profound numerical correlation between his Family / Intimate numerology (i.e. his internal world) and his World / Career numerology (i.e. his external world) is key to his 1991 success with The Firm.

To this end, please take note of the two light green arrows in his above 365 pin code birth chart which link the number 7 (his shadow or emotional self, family and career wise) to the number 8 (his shadow / emotional attainment numbers, personally and professionally). This duplicated 7-8 numerical cocktail is what proved to be the magical combination for John Grisham in 1995, the year when according to our bespoke codes for him, everything changed financial and business wise. This 1995 dramatic shift in material attainment followed a year (1994) which as our yearly experiential codes below reveal, was a significant life path (Number 3) related Numerology Sandwich (this term, which is unique to 365 pin code numerology, is explained shortly).

“All students enter law school with a certain amount of idealism and desire to serve the public, but after three years of brutal competition we care for nothing but the right job with the right firm where we can make partner in seven years and earn big bucks.” John Grisham, The Rainmaker

365 Pin Code Year-on-Year data strings for John Ray Grisham, born 08.02.1955

John Grisham Quad View

Explanation of the above 4D year-on-year data codes model for John Grisham:

The first line of code we want you to focus on, purely for interest sake, is that for the year 1981. See the number 6 circled in black? Above it lies a 7 (in the year 1980 data code) and below it lies a 5 (in the year 1982 data code). The number 6 is therefore “sandwiched” between two different numbers, the 7 and the 5. When this happens data coding wise, it is to us 365 Pin Code Strategic Applied Numerologists, gold, as it instantly tells us that something very significant happened.

John Grisham The Firm

365 Pin Code Numerology Sandwiches reveal so much about life

1981 is if you will, a 365 Pin Code Numerology Sandwich, a concentrated experience and therefore it always reveals a time when something very significant happened. And it did. The Number 6 deals with Family, Matters of the Heart, Relationships. It is also Grisham’s Shadow / Emotional Life Path Number and therefore in Grisham’s world, whenever the number 6 appears in his life path’s coding, much will happen, emotionally. In 1981 John Grisham married his wife Renee Jones.

Maybe this astonishing data-driven revelation now has you sitting on the edge of your chair and wondering “Can this this really true? Is life, my life and lives of others, really mapped numerically from the moment of birth?” And our answer to you is an emphatic yes. Now, let’s take you even deeper into the magical beauty of numbers and why John Grisham’s 1991 success with The Firm was no random accident…

Grisham’s magical line of code for 1991 was 3-9-1-3-9-1

At 365 pin code we love interrogating lines of code. Within these lie such numerical richness and when this is translated into life related intelligence, suddenly we are driving new and thrilling lines of personal and professional strategic thinking and strategic planning. Grisham’s magical line of code for 1991 was 3-9-1-3-9-1. Can you see how a powerful code-aligned mirror image is in play within this data string. His internal world coding is 3-9-1 and his external world coding is 3-9-1. Both are exactly the same lines of code! Therefore, we are dealing with a year when Grisham’s 4D (personal physical, personal emotional, professional physical, professional emotional) 365 pin code data string is being massively amplified through praxis (i.e. perfect internal and external alignment, or as within, so without).

“[you’ll acquire] A certain amount of cynicism. This business works on you. When you were in law school you had some noble idea what a lawyer should be. A champion of individual rights; a defender of the Constitution; a guardian of the oppressed; an advocate for your client’s principles. Then after you practice for six months you realize you were nothing but hired guns. Mouthpieces for sale to the highest bidder, available to anybody, any crook, any sleazebag with enough money to pay your outrageous fees. Nothing shocks you. It’s supposed to be an honorable profession, but you’ll meet so many crooked lawyers you’ll want to quit and find an honest job. Yeah Mitch, you’ll get cynical. And it’s sad, really.” John Grisham, The Firm

In Numerology odd numbers point toward self, whilst even numbers point toward others

Importantly, note how every number within this 1991 code string (3-9-1-3-9-1) for Grisham, is an odd number. In numerology, odd numbers link with and to the self, whilst even numbers link with and to others. Odd number alignment is therefore a very favourable numerology chemical cocktail driving results or outcomes toward the individual i.e. “they herald the arrival of something which is for me.”

The significance of the Number 3 in this 1991 data string cannot be overemphasized. Why? Because not only does John Grisham have a 3 life-path (see his birth chart above) but his name, John Ray Grisham has no 3’s in it whatsoever. The Number 3 therefore represents a Karmic / Key Life Lesson for Grisham; this number has as its central tenets, creativity (the holy trinity), self-expression and communication. Therefore, where the number 3 presents itself in a code string for Grisham it represents a moment in his life path which is attracting much, experience and results wise. If you care to look back to the year 1982 when the 3-5-1-3-5-1 line of code was in play for him (a year whose data string also happens to only be odd numbers) guaranteed much would have happened too.

John Grisham, The Firm, Strategic Numerology, 365 Pin Code,

1993: The Firm was made into a blockbuster movie with code 5-9-3-5-9-3 in play

Yet again the very fortunate (if the work has been done and the life well lived…) odd number driven line of code appears for 1993: The Firm was made into a blockbuster movie with code 5-9-3-5-9-3 in play. This is when everything in John Grisham’s life underwent a step change, in fact, more than a step change, this was a quantum change! The Number 5 in this data string represents a year of change, personal and professional. Significantly, the Number 1 in this data string coincides with the beginning of a new 9-year emotional cycle for him, personally and professionally.

1994 was a very significant Life Path related Number 3 year for John Grisham

An immensely powerful Numerology Sandwich (explained) comes in to play in 1994, so much so that 1994 was a very significant Life Path related Number 3 year for John Grisham. No doubt by this year all the success which he had gained with and through the firm, both as a bestseller and blockbuster movie, landed. From the perspective of Strategic Applied Numerology, it is always during these life path significant experiential years (and especially where this is concentred into just one year (i.e. the “365 pin code numerology sandwich”) when much shifts in a person’s life, either positively or negatively depending on how the life has been lived.

“It takes just one, he says over and over. You hear that all the time in this business. One big case, and you can retire. That’s one reason lawyers do so many sleazy things, like full-color ads in the yellow pages, and billboards, and placards on city buses, and telephone solicitation. You hold your nose, ignore the stench of what you’re doing, ignore the snubs and snobbery of big-firm lawyers, because it takes only one.” John Grisham, The Rainmaker

Decoding your Numerology life path using 365 Pin Code Analytics takes you places

John Grisham, The Firm, Strategic Numerology, 365 Pin Code,

Two (there are many more here) very interesting pieces of research work we have done on how significant these life path coded years are, are those which unpack the life paths of the genius Albert Einstein and digital marketing expert / entrepreneurial guru Gary Vaynerchuk. Everyone knows who Einstein was and if you do not know who Vaynerchuk is, here you go: Gary Vaynerchuk is a ubiquitous entrepreneur, investor, author, vlogger, and motivational speaker. He’s become a master at producing highly engaging and inspirational bite-size content on social media channels such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, SnapChat, and YouTube. He has successfully started his own companies as well as a digital marketing agency that he co-founded with his brother. But before social media influencer fame, Vaynerchuk was always an entrepreneur who helped build a multi-million-dollar business long before the digital limelight.

Once you’ve read and understood the lifepath research we did on Einstein and Vaynerchuk and given how in this research article we’ve unpacked just a few years of John Grisham’s life path in which we have clearly revealed that his phenomenal success with The Firm, was no random accident, you will fully connect with why we say that decoding your Numerology life path using 365 Pin Code Analytics takes you places!

Grisham’s birth chart mirroring of Numbers 7 and 8 aligns in 1995

Earlier we briefly drew your attention the two light-green arrows in John Grisham’s birth chart. In the above data string for the year 1995 can you see how this 7-8 combination comes into play (light green blocks) and all importantly, for only that year? This denotes a time of manifestation, of reward, when the number 8 would be presenting its related (money, power, business, authority, legal matters etc.) experiences for Grisham to interact with. It would therefore be an intense time when his external world (i.e. career) and all its physical and emotional dynamics would dramatically surge to the fore. The impact of this surge would carry over into 1996, a year when according to his unique code strings, much reward would flow (note the 4-8 combination; a fortunate combination if life well lived, a brutal one if lived badly lived; both 4 and 8 are earth energies; both deal with earthly events and results flowing around structure, order, material matters). To the best of our understanding, 1996 was the year when John Grisham won a landmark (and for him, very emotionally invested) case and received a significant financial reward for this.

There’s so much more we could do with his Numerology

We’ve analysed a period in the life of John Grisham and unpacked, using Strategic Applied Numerology, why his success with The Firm was coded into his lifepath. There’s so much more we could do with his Numerology but for now, this is enough. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this and realised just how much strategic intelligence is locked up within our full birth names and dates of birth. Want to connect with yours? Contact us…

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