A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry

Master Number 11, the number of Illumination and Intuitive Enlightenment

A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry made The Sunday Times 2020 bestseller list. This human futurology case study maps the life path of bestselling author Barry, reveals why his 2020 literary success coincides with master number 11 (the number of illumination, intuitive enlightenment and teaching) and adds to the library of applied research we are compiling around what bespoke numerical codes were in play when international bestselling authors enjoyed tremendous success.

A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry – Reviews

Allan Massie wrote this review for The Scotsman on the 25th of March 2020: “Barry writes with the freshness and beauty of an early summer morning when the dew sparkles and the air shimmers with the promise of a glorious day. He is also a masterly craftsman, modulating the pace of his narrative, alternating vivid scenes of action with tranquil moments in which time seems to stand still. It is common for novelists to do their best work when they are in early middle-life, between say 35 and 50, before energy begins to fail and many years at the desk have dulled their response to experience, and so they come often to repeat themselves or at best offer new variations on familiar themes. Not Barry; his writing is better than ever. Days Without End and A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry are equally marvellous; together, one of the finest achievements in contemporary fiction.”

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Alex Preston who scored the novel 5 out of 5, wrote this review for The Guardian on the 23rd of March 2020: “At a time when questions of identity are fraught and thorny, there’s something daring in the set-up of A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry. This novel, like its predecessor, provides a compelling answer to those who claim that authors should stick to their own when it comes to telling stories. The idea of a middle-class white male writing in the voice of a cross-dressing teenage lesbian Native American might feel out of step with its times, but prose this good is a kind of enchantment, transcending the constructs that are supposed to define us to speak in a voice that is truly universal.

Who is Sebastian Barry?

Sebastian Barry (born 5 July 1955) is an Irish novelist, playwright, and poet. He was named Laureate for Irish Fiction, 2019–2021. He is noted for his dense literary writing style and is considered one of Ireland’s finest writers. Barry’s literary career began in poetry before he began writing plays and novels. He has been twice shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for his novels A Long Long Way (2005) and The Secret Scripture (2008), the latter of which won the 2008 Costa Book of the Year and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. His 2011 novel, On Canaan’s Side, was longlisted for the Booker. In January 2017, Barry was awarded the Costa Book of the Year prize for Days Without End, becoming the first novelist to win the prestigious prize twice.

The human futurist numerology of bestselling author Sebastian Barry

A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry, Amoure Kleu, numerology Sebastian Barry, bestselling author numerology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code, Human Futurology, Futurist Research, number 5 life path, karmic 13 shadow life path, master number 11

Born on the 5th of July 1955, gives Sebastian Barry a number 5 life path [5 July 1955 = 5+7+1955 = 1967 = 1+9+6+7 = 23 = 2+3 = 5; life path number sequence 1967//23//5]. If you do not know your life path number sequence, here is a life path number calculator to connect you with it. 2021 is a No5 universal year [2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5] and whenever the number of the universal year synchronises with the life path number (as in 5 on 5), much happens in the life of that person. Therefore guaranteed, during 2021, much will happen in the life of bestselling author Sebastian Barry. He also happens to be born on the 5th (Birth DD, 5th) so the No5 of 2021 also synchronises with his personal vibration number which means 2021 will also be tremendously significant on for him on a personal level. Here is a link that will help you better understand your unique numerology birth chart. Just as he has 2x5s so he has 2x4s (shadow personal number) and shadow life path (TSS-LFP 13//4). 2020 was a No4 universal year whose energy would have synchronised with both 4s and so the 2020 success of A Thousand Moons would have brough him much reward on an emotional (shadow) level.

“The world is not full of betrayers, it is full of people with decent motives and a full desire to do right by those who know them and love them. This is a little-known truth, but I think it is a truth nonetheless. Empirically, from all the years of my work, I would attest to that. I know it is a miraculous conclusion, but there it is. We like to make strangers of everyone. We are not wolves, but lambs astonished in the margins of the fields by sunlight and summer.” -Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

Sebastian Barry’s career numerology is loaded with 2s!

In the opening paragraph, we stated that A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry made The Sunday Times 2020 bestseller list and went on to say that this success coincided with numerology master number 11. In applied numerology, MN-11 is the highly charged (sometimes anxiety fuelled) intuitive visionary octave of numerology number 2. If you take a careful look at the above birth chart for Barry, you will see two pink ovals, one circling his No2 World or Career Number [Birth YYYY: 1955 = 1+9+5+5 = 20 = 2+0 = 2; 1955//20//2] and the other circling his MN-11//2 Shadow Professional Attainment Number (TSSPR). The 11//2 combination therefore presents twice, on the career or professional side of Barry’s numerology birth chart. So, how do we know that master number 11//2 was driving his 2020 literary success around A Thousands Moons? Through Human Futurology research…

A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry, Amoure Kleu, numerology Sebastian Barry, bestselling author numerology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code, Human Futurology, Futurist Research, number 5 life path, karmic 13 shadow life path, master number 11

Enter the Fascinating World of Human Futurology Research

This is an extract from our Futurist Coaching Website: “In the near future, the applied life science of Human Futurology will be taught and researched at the world’s elite Universities. There is no stopping this now! The only question is which forward thinking academic institution will be the first to embrace Human Futurology, and pragmatically develop it? Our research has delivered case study after case study of hard evidence proving that we are an intricate and intelligent mathematical blueprint [IMB] whose primary purpose may well be to help advance the greater understanding of both individual and collective consciousness. Just think what people would be capable of if they were synched to their IMB (also known as “The Authentic Self”) in such a way that their thoughts, emotions and actions were wiring and firing to optimise their life path’s coded journey.” Chris and Suzanne Styles, Human Futurists.

We know that A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry which made The Sunday Times 2020 bestseller list, was powered by MN-11, because we modelled his life path and here are the results.

Mapping the Life Path Codes of Sebastian Barry with specific reference to 2020…

A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry, Amoure Kleu, numerology Sebastian Barry, bestselling author numerology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code, Human Futurology, Futurist Research, number 5 life path, karmic 13 shadow life path, master number 11

In 2020, the year Sebastian Barry turned 65, the number that is driving the theme of his year, is 11//2. This 11//2 experience began in 2019 and persisted through 2020, with the 11//2 maxing out intensity wise (see the double 11//2s linked by a RED block) in 2020, as a tangible professional experience. Barry’s birth chart revealed 11//2 as being his shadow professional attainment number (TSSPR 11//2, bottom pink oval) so an extreme convergence like this signals that 2020 was always coded (as per his unique Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint) to be a year that had tremendous career related significance.

You must understand this: even though such rich moments of success are mathematically hardcoded into our lives the moment we are born, we much still apply ourselves (as in do the work!) if we are to optimise them and enjoy them. They are therefore literally nothing more than moments of potentiality along our life paths. Only if our life has been well lived and our skills and talents developed and applied, will such moments deliver tremendous success and joy to us.

Congratulations Sebastian Barry, your life path map reveals that 2020 was coded to be a year of great career significance for you and through A Thousand Moons, you honoured this moment.

Want to know more?

Reach out to Chris and Suzanne Styles

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    A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry, Amoure Kleu, numerology Sebastian Barry, bestselling author numerology, numerology research, 365 Pin Code, Human Futurology, Futurist Research, number 5 life path, karmic 13 shadow life path, master number 11

    Image by Bianca Mentil from Pixabay

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