From the Wrong Side of the Tracks

Andre Bertie Els, Fromm the wrong side of the tracks, Amoure Kleu Author

Everyone has a story to tell. The journeys of my life could be in a way your journey, just different in setting and time. The difference between you and me could be the way we were raised or taught, but we are not talking about you. We are talking about my life and how it played out through good times and bad.

The adventures over the course of my life were not always fun, but I learnt early on, life is what you make of it. No matter where you were born. And until now I have had one hell of a ride, and I would like to tell you about it.

This is not a story of a Sport star or a Tough Cop or a Soldier of Fortune.

It is simply my story of growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, as we knew it in the community if you were the child of a railway worker, and my journey from there.

My story is about my youth, then becoming a policeman and life after my police career, working in Iraq and Afghanistan and African Countries.

Chapter 1 of From the Wrong Side of the Tracks coming soon….

Andre Bertie Els, From the wrong side of the tracks, Amoure Kleu Author

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

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