About Amoure Kleu

First published in 1974, Amoure has always been an avid reader and is widely read on many topics. In 2018 she did the Unlocking Creativity course with The Writer’s Studio in Sydney and found a spark that ignited her dream to write into a goal that she would write and publish a novel. She is currently busy with developing all the characters and her series of books will transport readers in to the fictional world of all these characters.

Bjoern and Krampus the Christmas Punisher

The year was 3 BC. The day was 5 December. The day Krampus removed naughty children to hell before St. Nicholas delivered gifts to the remaining children on 6 December. KRAMPUS Not allowed to hunt the naughty children until one hour past sundown, irked Krampus no end. However, he has found a way past this dastard restriction. Three years ago, in the dark

Bjoern and Krampus the Christmas Punisher2023-12-04T20:35:47+10:00

Aedric And The Villains

Aedric walked into Scruffy Murphy’s. He stood for a moment, his eyes adjusting to the dim lighting, which did pretty little to hide the bar’s shabbiness. The skunk-smell of beer assaulted his nostrils. His unease deepened as he checked the patrons. He was the only one in chino’s and a sports jacket. But for the underlying threat in Ryan Campbell’s text, he would

Aedric And The Villains2023-08-11T00:59:57+10:00


Half awake, 16-year-old Gizela fought against the entanglement of her sweat-drenched bedsheets. Exhaustion straddled her chest. She stretched her mouth in a forced yawn and reached for a snatch of oxygen, forcing it down her throat into her chest. On the third try, she managed. She untangled her legs and slumped on the edge. Sightless, she stared at her dream catcher hanging against the


Shadows of a New World Order

Jína grimaced and rubbed her neck. A dull ache had lodged out of reach behind her shoulder blades. She gripped the edge of her desk, pushed back her office chair and wiggled her feet into her sturdy black pumps. She raised her arms above her head, lifted her chin, and stretched up to the ceiling. The vertebrae in her back cracked. She tucked

Shadows of a New World Order2023-08-02T03:57:40+10:00

Belle’s Escape

Disoriented, Belle sat up in the claustrophobic dark. Her mouth tasted gritty. She inhaled. The smell of mildew mixed with half-rotten beetroot assailed her. Her nostrils flared. Her stomach revolted and shot a live-fire ball of acid into her throat. She gagged. The top half of her body folded over. She opened her mouth and expelled a dribble of bitter bile. Belle rocked back

Belle’s Escape2023-08-02T03:59:09+10:00


It was June 23, 1723. Twelve-year-old Alice hovered at the edge of the village where she lived with her Grandpa. Her freshly washed copper hair glinted in the sun. A tremor of trepidation piano-fingered up her spine. No longer considered a child, she had no choice but to join the Midsummer festivities as an available maiden. Ahead, the village green bustled with preparations


Fenrir’s Cub

Blue eyes wide with wonder, her nose pressed to the small window, Virginia gazed at the jaw-dropping view displayed below. Nervous excitement bubbled behind her navel. My first archaeological dig. She sighed and leaned back against the headrest. Rough winds buffeted the 8-seater plane as it dropped to the landing strip. It slewed to a sideways stop with a squeal of brakes, barely missing

Fenrir’s Cub2023-08-02T04:00:42+10:00

The Misadventure

Célena stood with her three friends at the school bus stop. She listened with half an ear to their chatter about the upcoming weekend sleepover at Stacey's house. The squeal of the bus's brakes interrupted them. They clambered on board, rushed to the back, and settled into their usual seats. "Ooh, look who is catching the bus today, Célena," Sarah tittered. Célena looked

The Misadventure2023-09-13T21:01:54+10:00

The Ancient Figurine

Mariska stood on top of the library stairs, cradling her find in her arms. Above, the sun’s last orange rays streaked through the sky. A warm summer breeze wafted through the air. She got home and put the heavy leather-bound book on the dining room table. Bending down, she picked up Pixie, her stray, scratching him under the chin. She walked into the

The Ancient Figurine2023-08-02T04:01:37+10:00

Trapped in Misty Creek

25-year-old Ariadne coasted to a stop in front of the Real Estate Agency in Misty Creek’s main street. She gave her appearance a quick once over in the rear-view mirror, and applied some lipstick. Turning to the back seat, she patted her mix breed Australian sheep dog on his rump. “You wait here Dingo. Watch the car. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

Trapped in Misty Creek2023-08-02T04:02:06+10:00
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