Why I have chosen a group of Expert Contributors to work with me
Over the many years that I have lived one thing has become very clear to me. I am only as good as the team around me. I also cannot get to the zenith of achievement, alone. No person is an island. That’s why if I desire to be hugely successful as an author (which I do desire to be…) I have to be the “dumbest person in the room” because that’s when I am in a place and a space where I will learn the most, and grow the most. Given this, I have chosen early on to surround myself with a team of Expert Contributors who are all leaders in their specific field. They will be working with me and helping me to shape my book series into something very special, into something which has not been seen before. With this team I am going places, fast!

Chris and Suzanne Styles are the Founders of the field of Strategic Numerology. Yes, traditional numerology has been around for a long time, however, the strategic application (through intelligent mathematical models) of what your core numbers reveal has not yet been developed. Now it has. Next Level or Strategic Numerology happens when the bespoke intelligence residing within your numbers is applied in a way that practical personal and professional success creating strategies evolve. Their 365 Pin Code charts and predictive models are so bulls-eye accurate that you simply cannot afford to do your strategic planning without having their information to hand. Whilst Knowledge is Power, know this, Strategic Numerology is Transformational

Marie-Louise Oosthuysen is a skilled graphologist, a certified educational brain researcher and so much more… Just through analysing a sample of your handwriting she can reveal so much to you about you. The value which this knowledge brings is way beyond being “just interesting”. Astonishingly, it reveals elements about you to you, especially those elements which when addressed, will place you in a far more powerful, resourceful and balanced state. Most of us have never even entertained the notion of having our handwriting analysed and this represents a very real “blind-spot” in our understanding of self. If you take your growth and development seriously then you simply have to know what your handwriting says about you.
Chapter 26 – Cash in Transit
After three months in my own Touring with Protection business, I received a call from a very wealthy businessman in Umtata (now known as Mthata). He said he heard about me from a
Chapter 25 – A New Beginning, Vip Protection
What was also happening in the Police was that a lot of white senior officers were seeing their posts being advertised and at the same time, they were offered voluntary retrenchment packages. It
Chapter 24 – Dirty Tactics Fueled By Frustrations
It was the dawn of a new South Africa. A new Government came into being. A lot of changes were happening really fast. It also affected the Police Service. One change was that
CHAPTER 23 Intelligence Office
I was told to identify a house, to serve as a covert office, where we (the guys I indicated that I had identified in Chapter 22) could work from. After I found the right
CHAPTER 22 1994
Return to East London I was sent back to SANAB East London. Some of my old colleagues were happy to see me back, and I was happy to be back in East London.
CHAPTER 21 | Organised Crime Intelligence Unit
At the end of 1992, I was approached by the Intelligence Commander of the then-newly formed Organised Crime Intelligence Office in Cape Town. I was offered a position. I accepted it and was
CHAPTER 20 | Boxing come back
During the first week in March 1992 my friend and Second in Command called me into his office. He said that I had to be in Port Elizabeth during the following week and
CHAPTER 19 | Transfer to George
I enjoyed my career at SANAB. I wanted a promotion, wrote exams which I passed and was promoted to a warrant officer. I also got married a year or two earlier and everything
CHAPTER 18 | Sierra Leone
I heard a rumour that there was a different way to earn good money. It was said that in three months, you could earn the same as a year's salary working for the
CHAPTER 17 | 1987- South African Narcotics Bureau
CHAPTER 17 1987- SANAB (South African Narcotics Bureau) I wanted to work at the Narcotics division of SANAB. However, SANAB consisted of three divisions. The Vice Squad, the Liquor Squad and the Drug
Bjoern and Krampus the Christmas Punisher
The year was 3 BC. The day was 5 December. The day Krampus removed naughty children to hell before St. Nicholas delivered gifts to the remaining children on 6 December. KRAMPUS Not allowed
CHAPTER 16 | 1986 Murder and Robbery
After a few years with the Reaction / Riot Squad, I decided I wanted to become a detective. I have had enough of all the Rambo stuff and fighting riots. The Riot Squad
CHAPTER 15 | Playing Rugby for The South African Police Force
I started playing rugby for the Police about two years after I started my career as a policeman. The year was 1982, and I just turned nineteen. Because I am tall, 1.99 meters
CHAPTER 14 | Nearly a Professional Boxer
CHAPTER 14 Nearly A Professional Boxer After a few months of following Pierre Coetzer's progress in the professional ring and him winning his fights, I thought. That could be an easy way to
CHAPTER 13 | Police Boxing Championships in Pretoria
During the same year I joined the Riot Squad, I had a call from the police sporting office in Pretoria. They informed me I had to get ready and fit for the police boxing
Aedric And The Villains
Aedric walked into Scruffy Murphy’s. He stood for a moment, his eyes adjusting to the dim lighting, which did pretty little to hide the bar’s shabbiness. The skunk-smell of beer assaulted his nostrils.
CHAPTER 12 | 1982 Reaction Unit -Riot Squad
On my return from Border Duty to East London, I accepted a transfer from the uniform branch and became a member of the Reaction Unit. Later it was renamed - Riot Squad. It
CHAPTER 11 – First Border Trip
Whilst stationed at the uniform branch at the Cambridge police station, they sent me for Counter insurgent training (bush warfare). I trained at a police training camp, or farm as it was known,
CHAPTER 10 – Corpses
One Sunday morning, whilst on patrol duties, I received a call on the police radio to attend to what was most probably a suicide. When I heard the name and street address, I
CHAPTER 9 – A Real Cop
Eventually, I turned eighteen and got my civilian driver’s license. I had to pass another driver’s license test to get the State’s authorisation to drive a state-owned vehicle. I considered myself a real
CHAPTER 8 – Father’s Death
One night, I went to visit my parents. My Dad and one of his old boxing friends were sitting outside, having some wine. I sat down with them and we talked about boxing.
Sally Rooney Normal People novel
Summary: This piece of fascinating human futurology blueprint research into Irish author Sally Rooney, reveals that 2018, the year she enjoyed tremendous success around her Normal People novel, had sequence 14//5 theming the
CHAPTER 7 – Uniform Branch
I started my police career at the Cambridge Police Station, behind the counter in the charge office. The charge office is the heart of the police. All cases and complaints get registered there,
CHAPTER 6 – Sworn In As A Police Recruit
Soon after my sixteenth birthday, the recruiting officers of the Police came knocking at the door. I was sworn in as a police recruit and two days thereafter I travelled by train to
CHAPTER 5 – My First Few Jobs Preceding My Working Career
The year 1980 announced the beginning of my ‘working career’. Not yet sixteen, my Dad said that I couldn’t sit around at home and wait for my sixteenth birthday. I was told to
Chapter 4 – Recruiting Officers Come Knocking
During the same year as my boxing achievement, 1979, arriving home from school one afternoon, I spotted a police vehicle parked in front of our house. My first gut thought was–my boy, your
In 1979, I attended a well-known Afrikaans High school in East London. I was fifteen, fit and chosen to represent the Border division (which is the region East London fell under) in the
I spent my youth in East London, growing up in the Railway community. By now we were five kids, three girls and two boys. Not a wealthy family. We lived comfortably, though, in
Chapter 1 – Winter 1970
WINTER JUNE 1970 I am 6 years old, and a few months into my school career and lived with my parents in a town in the Northern Cape called Vryburg. My dad worked
Human Futurology Blueprint of author Nora Roberts
Who is Nora Roberts and why is she so famous? It would be hard to find a writer as unpretentious as Roberts. She's 61, of Irish-American stock, and still lives in the same
From the Wrong Side of the Tracks
Everyone has a story to tell. The journeys of my life could be in a way your journey, just different in setting and time. The difference between you and me could be
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
One of the most widely read books in the history of fiction This human futurology (HF is the applied science linked to furthering the understanding of a person’s unique Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint, IMB)
Intelligent Mathematical Blueprint of Lucinda Riley
Her ‘The Seven Sisters’ series has become a global phenomenon In numerology, the number 3 is associated with creativity, communication, self-expression, imagination, joy, happiness etc. This piece of Human Futurology Research reveals exactly
Half awake, 16-year-old Gizela fought against the entanglement of her sweat-drenched bedsheets. Exhaustion straddled her chest. She stretched her mouth in a forced yawn and reached for a snatch of oxygen, forcing it down
Shadows of a New World Order
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What makes a bestselling fantasy author?
There are so many diverse views on this topic! Here’s what Claire Bradshaw has to say about what makes a bestselling fantasy author.: A magic system: This is the element that sets fantasy
Belle’s Escape
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Numerology of The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley
The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley was published 3 weeks before her death! From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley, The Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in the multimillion-copy
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Analysing the Kay Scarpetta Series by Patricia Cornwell
17//8, 21//3 & 18//9 powered Postmortem, the 1st novel of the Kay Scarpetta Series This applied numerology research case study investigates the Kay Scarpetta Series of novels by Patricia Cornwell that launched in
Fenrir’s Cub
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Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer
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The Misadventure
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Ruth Rendell and Karmic 13 – Law and Order!
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The Ancient Figurine
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A Thousand Moons by Sebastian Barry
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Trapped in Misty Creek
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Bestselling author Lisa Jewell
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Queens Gambit by Walter Tevis
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Learned Helplessness
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Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson
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The Loops We Are Thrown Into
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The Playboy
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Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
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The Shadow of the Soldier
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The Shadow of the Soldier
The Shadow of the Soldier: The Sweetness of Revenge | Part 1 By Luis Gutierrez Poucel and Marie-Louise Oosthuysen It was a dismal night in October 1798. A thin, but persistent rain
The First Resignation
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Fears in Handwriting
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Jaws by Peter Benchley
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The Ballroom Affair
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Terror in the Afternoon
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Breaking Free
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Graphotherapy … Braintherapy
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Black Gold
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PS I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
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Australia’s bestselling female author Liane Moriarty
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Relationships It’s All About Love
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Sophie Kinsella | Shopaholic Series
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The Summer Holidays
THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS Celest grabbed her school bag and drifted out of the classroom with the rest of the year 12’s. Everyone’s excitement about their final day of school washed in waves over her,
Harper Lee Numerology for Women
Using numbers to Unpack Harper Lee’s 1960 To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee Numerology for Women What we have created at 365 Pin Code Numerology for Women wise, is the most advanced numerology analysis
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Out of Body Experience
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An Evil Spell
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Graham Hancock Fingerprints of the Gods
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Stress, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
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Court Room Brawl
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Bridget Jones Diary – Helen Fielding
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Mind Hacks
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Peter Straub and The Talisman
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Liz Phair Horror Stories
Numerology of Horror Stories: A Memoir by Liz Phair 365 Pin Code Numerology specialises in Applied Numerology Research and is driven to help further our understanding of significant events along our life path. We
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Clan of the Cave Bear Jean M Auel
New perspective on The Clan of The Cave Bear Series by Jean M Auel This piece of numerology research endeavours to provide a New perspective on Jean M Auel’s The Clan of The Cave
Dark Triad of Handwriting
The Dark Triad of Handwriting Malevolent, malicious, malignant. The three m’s that describe the “Dark Triad” of personality traits which consist of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. In handwriting there is not one stroke of
Bestselling Author JK Rowling the Harry Potter Books
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Welcome to my nightmare
Welcome to my Nightmare Cowering Lucy hid behind the caravan. Her best dress spattered with beetroot juice. Pieces of glass and beetroot clung to her hair. Acid curled and uncurled in her stomach. Shaking
The Numerology and Life Path of Sir Terry Pratchett
365 Pin Code Profile of Bestselling Author Sir Terry Pratchett Terence David John Pratchett (Terry Pratchett) was born on the 28th of April 1948 in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. He had his first story published when
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Numerology of Stephenie Meyer Twilight Saga
When your numbers align perfectly: The Stephenie Meyer Twilight Saga case study In this research article we carefully unpack lots of numbers and reveal to you that so much of what we think to
Under Pressure
Under Pressure MONDAY An empty emotionless husk, isolated and resident in a foreign country….. The Omron blood pressure meter sat on her desk corner. A dead eyed silent monster waiting to be activated. The
Martina Cole The Success of Dangerous Lady
Numerology of bestselling crime writer Martina Cole In this strategic research piece we unpack the Numerology of bestselling crime writer Martina Cole and reveal to you why 1991 and 1992, the years when her
Narcissistic Mothers
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Stephen King – The Numerology of Carrie
Numerology of Stephen King's book Carrie Carrie was no random accident, it was hardcoded In this research article we unpack the Numerology of Stephen King book Carrie and reveal to you why 1973 was
Coughing Fit
THE COUGHING FIT We stepped into the dining room at the Old Oak Hotel. An inviting smell of cinnamon spice mixed with orange peel wafted through the air. Lit fireplaces crackled away, leaving a
John Grisham -The Numerology of The Firm
The Numerology of John Grisham's 1991 bestselling book: The Firm In this piece of Strategic Applied Numerology research, we unpack the Numerology of John Grisham, the author’s 1991 bestselling book The Firm. We do
The Teenage Brain
The Teenage Brain Colleen O’Grady said “The teenage brain is hardwired for conflict. Don’t take it personally.” As many a parent of adolescents will confess, it’s a war zone and it ain’t pretty! Cognition
Suzanne Collins Hunger Games Success in the Numbers
Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games success (2008 to 2015) was no accident In this short article entitled Suzanne Collin’s 2008 The Hunger Games success (2008 to 2015) was no accident, we reveal, using 365
Old Piano Man
Old Piano Man Sitting behind the old upright piano, his rheumy eyes wander over the crowded bar. A smoke haze hovers in the air. His glance settles on a couple cuddling in one dark
Why can Handwriting be Analyzed?
The Study of Handwriting, Graphology The word graphology is defined as follows: the study of handwriting, especially when regarded as an expression of the writer’s character, personality, abilities, etc. “Graphology” originates from Greek: grapho
Dean Koontz
Unpacking the Life Path of Bestselling Author Dean R. Koontz Dean Ray Koontz is the favourite author of Amoure Kleu, a vastly experienced litigator and soon-to-be-published creative fantasy author currently living on the Gold
Love Hurts Sitting in her car in the parking of the grocery store she dumbly looks at the message. Reading it again. A feeling of utter dread settled in her stomach. “It is over.
Life Sucks
Life Sucks Sasha looks at me trustingly. Her big brown eyes dull. Her tail gave a half-hearted thump. My heart catches in my throat. I sit down next to her. Cradling her head in